Boy are our lives changing. The college decision making process is in full - fast - and furious mode right now. We have narrowed the choices a tiny bit by various methods. One of which baffles even the closest of our friends. I'll explain later in this post.
Molly is a 4.0 academically ranked senior. She has taken the highest level of courses offered in her school, including a biology class with Emmanuel College. She wants to play volleyball in college. This is criteria number one and qualification for any college is not an issue.
The above photo is on campus at Shorter College in Rome, GA.
For a time she wanted to be a meteorologist - her thinking at the time - the weatherman doesn't HAVE to ever be right. A plus is that when snow is called for in the south and the weatherman is right - they are heroes to every school aged child AND teacher in the area.
Then there was art school. Now almost every artist is a "fringe" person. Most true artists do not make a good living (and yes I am speaking financially here) and the only other way to make money is graphic design or teaching. Note - there is nothing wrong with any of this - we just pointed out that Molly likes stuff and maybe there was a better option.
I qualify all of this by saying - I am 42 and I have no idea what I am gonna be when I grow up.
The latest is to major in pre-pharmacy and go to pharmacy school after that. Then treat her soul with a studio space of her own (takes after her mama that way.)
The above photo is on campus at Toccoa falls.
I have done something right in giving her a sense of independence. She wants to go away to college. She wants to have a complete college experience. This friends scares the crap out of me. My fears about what can happen are huge to me right now, I am pushing them to the back of my brain and I have not said anything to her about MY fear. I have cautioned her about making good decisions. But we all know what happens when young adults jump out on their own.
Anyway - she wants a campus that "feels" right for her. One with her kind of people and activities. One with the right mix of campus life for the students.
above photo is of Agnes Scott College.
We are pushing for in-state because of Georgia's Hope Scholarship program. An out of state location would be considered if there is adequate scholarship money offered.
The above photo is of Brenau College - they have made a scholarship offer of 11,000.00 per year - renewable. Add Hope money and this one is very affordable.
She wants us to be able to get there for visits. In the event that she plays ball, she would like for us to see her play. Mom wants to be able to get there quickly if something should happen. Yet - she wants to be far enough away to feel that independence.
Above photo is of Gulf Coast College.
We have travelled to some of these colleges. Others we are familiar with. She has applied to several and been accepted officially at some. There are offers on the table. There is recruiting going on. We have scholarship meetings and visits scheduled. Skills DVD's being mailed. the next 6 weeks are going to be hugely stressful as we weigh options and make decisions.
Receiving an offer of big money from a school has already eased my mind a lot. I have worried that we would not be able to give the education she deserves with incurring huge debt. That fear has been eased a little. We have a list of the types of items that I did not plan for when I left home. (including a hair dryer and straightening iron - little sis suggested this be on the list) Those are the things that MaggieGrace sold items will go to. (look out etsy - here I come.)
Above photo is of Mississippi College.
Above is of Piedmont College.
I am trying my best to help her with these decisions. Molly is like me in that she really procrastinates when she is over-whelmed. Tonight is volleyball practice and we will eat beforehand. I plan on feeding her at one of her favorite restaurants - bringing us to the full list of criterria below. The food will accompnay good solid conversation about this entire process.
Here are the criteria as we have ranked them....
Criteria #1 -- College must have volleyball available.
Criteria #2 -- Pre-pharmacy (chemistry) Program
Criteria #3 -- Campus and campus life must "feel" right.
Criteria #4 -- We have to be able to afford it with out selling my soul to the devil. (or my body on the street corner)
Criteria #5 -- proximity to home -- close enough and yet far enough away.
Criteria #6 -- the immediate area must have a quality Mexican Restaurant. Rated by the Molly monster on there chicken quesadillas and by Mom on the amount of tequila in the margaritas.
By the way - there is a lot of MaggieGrace crocheting going on. I am just choosing to not bore you with hat after hat after hat.
Have a wonderful day.