Up really early Saturday morning. A crisp 34 degrees registers on my car thermometer. It's 6:30 AM and the man and I are on the road. Heading to Spartanburg, SC to watch College Girl in her cross country meet.
She was running at the Miliken Research Park. Ok peeps - this place is beautiful. Nestled in an industrial park - it is also unexpected.
I've been pushing myself too hard - as confessed before - I suffer from the disease called OVER COMMITTMENT SYNDROME. As a result, I am running on empty.

Look over behind the trees in the picture above. That is the parking area. We walked from there all over this park to watch the race. College Girl took a full minute off her previous personal best time.
It was still cool when we arrived, but as the sun came up, the day was stunning. I was enjoying just being out in the sun, with nothing really to do. Cross country meets are not craft friendly - you walk and move about the entire time. However, I was concerned about a struggle I've been having internally.
I was committed to do the Artist Market this November. I am making things. I am forcing myself to the studio after long tiring days at work. I am sick of doctors office waiting rooms. I am struggling with the adrenal fatigue issue of the nephrectomy. I am still reeling mentally and emotionally from the entire "surprise you have kidney cancer" road trip. Fear and uncertainty disturb my sleep - a lot. Again I say -- running on empty. Plus I really really want to focus on some projects at my house. Just an exhausting internal battle.

A closer view of those gorgeous trees - more on that later.
Well - after the race - coach informs College Girl that her time qualified her to race at the regionals. She is a first year runner - her very first 5K ever was in April - and to qualify as the faster girl on the team this first year is huge. I was talking to some parents when she rushed over to tell me the news.
Dad, Softball Princess, Me, and maybe the Barefoot Boy will be taking off to Memphis, TN for regionals.

Isn't this fallen branch beautiful? I love the color of these seed pods. I want some of these trees.
God works wonderful blessings. God takes care of us even when we screw that task up for ourselves. Regionals are the same weekend as the Artist Market. In the split second that she told us the great news, I decided to drop out of the Market.
I fretted over the phone call to the organizer - and my wonderful friend Lannae. But I called her and explained the good news/ bad news thing to her. She is first a mother to her boys so she understood the reason I was dropping out.
But what about the stuff I have made / am making? Well - I am going to sell it still, just in different places etc. I'll post some here. I'll do a local farmers market table. I'll carry some in the car with me.
The amazing thing about this whole scenario, is how peaceful the decision is.
Yes the trip is a long one - Memphis is about 8 hours from here. But we will spend the morning at her meet, then the rest of Saturday just doing things. Drive back on Sunday. What is also amazing is that I made that decision, then had my most productive Sunday afternoon in the studio. Crazy.

Thank you Lannae for understanding the mama side of me. I think God worked this out for my best interest right now.
And about the trees - Chinese Flame Trees. Apparently very hardy here. I picked up that broken branch and planted a few of the seeds from these pods. If they grow I'll have these beauties out behind my big barn. To use my Local Best Friend's phrase, we'll see.
Have a great day.