MaryAnn and I are doing a word collaboration - funny when we started it was about making or doing - about not spending money - etc. Like so many projects it has morphed into something completely different. Gotta love that -
January's word - chosen by me was beauty (beautiful) and in the bleak post seaonal days that January brings, I have enjoyed looking for those moments of beautiful.
so here are some favorites of my month

Things like - sunshine after several grey days.
Thumbing through the mail and finding a handwritten note among the junk mail and bills.
A funny comment by a facebook friend.
Realizing that an old (immature) boyfriend did grow up and become a contributing member of society.

Speaking of food - broiled asparagus with balsamic vinegar and parmesan cheese - yummy.

These were moments. Moments make up days. Days make up weeks. Weeks make up years. Years make up a lifetime. Things change. Challenges happen. But in the still of each moment there is beauty - you just have to pay attention to see it.
I leave you with a quote
"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play and pray in, where nature may heal and give strengthto the body and soul." John Muir
Have a beautiful day - I have a beautiful life.
MaryAnn picked the word for February - It is a hard one for me - Super hard. I'll tell you tomorrow.
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