Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Mail Call

This is the receptacle for good news and bad. FYI - a Supercervical Laproscopic Hysterectomy costs about 46,000 dollars. Thank you Lord for insurance. Enough about the bad news - this is also the receptacle for wonderful connections - ala Miss Jen.

I got home yesterday to this package

A package with the mysterious number 1 on it. The explanation is inside. I don't know what to say - She has sent me 12 days of Christmas - I can't wait to see what else I have coming. OMG thank you so much Jen.
My first package is tiny. A matchbox all tied up with a jingle bell and in it -- tiny tiny pine cones. Are these adorable or what? I love tiny things, but this was even more than just a thought in a box. My Dad passed away in 1980. At the time there were gold dipped things made into jewelry charms - roses - leaves - pine cones. My parents bought me the pine cone charm for the Christmas before he died. I wore it on a tiny gold chain for the longest and I still have that charm in my jewelry box. When I opened this box yesterday, I was flooded by memories of that last Christmas with my Dad.
He was a fool for Christmas. We would ride and look at lights - we always went together to get the tree - we always told the stories about the ornaments as we decorated the tree - and one of my favorite gifts ever was the year he gave in and let "Santa" bring the KISS solo albums. Traditions we have continued - my girls count Christmas lights - yes even the almost adult girl still counts them in the car as she drives. We go get the tree together - we tell the stories of the ornaments. There are different ones from my childhood too.
Thank you Jen for the flood of pleasant memories delivered in a small decorated box yesterday - it was a wonderful moment.
Another of our favorite stories about Christmas spans years. Starting at K-Mart of all places. We bought these huge rolls of red and white polka dot wrapping paper one year. Mom, me and my sister all had one. We all wrapped gifts in it the first year. And the next year. And the next year. This stuff just would not die. Then it became a competition of sorts. As the paper dwindled - we each started saving some and continued to use it. The fun was trying to keep it going and we were successful for many many years - it has only been recently that the last scrap of that paper has disappeared. Too funny - every where I go, I look for this or a similar paper to give them just for the laughs. Someday - maybe - I'll find it again.
I hope all of you are having a wonderful day. I am.


Anonymous said...

Teresa, so good to know you've made a quick recovery from the surgery. May you & yours have a wonderful day. Hope to see you all soon. Love, H & A.

Mrs. G. said...

Thank goodness for insurance is right? I wish in my heart that everyone did. I'm glad you are having a nice day. I intend to do the same.

Roxanne said...

What sweet memories you are passing to your daughters. Isn't it amazing how something so small can bring back such a huge rush of emotion?

Elizabeth Prata said...

I have a love-hate relationship with the mailbox too. Hope springs eternal but bills are ubiquitous. How sweet ans lovely you received a thoughtful gift!! Friends like that are a gift of themselves, aren't they. So happy for you.

Darla said...

Oh my goodness, I have one of those gilded tiny pincone charms too. Mine was given me by a friend. I usually thread a thin red ribbon though the ring and wear it sometime during the holiday season - thanks for reminding me.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy to have brought a happy memory to you by sending you the tiny pinecone. Hope the packages are continuing to roll in. Darn post office ruining my surprises. :) hugs to you!