Wednesday, March 20, 2013

a new display

People think I am nuts sometimes.

I literally squealed with glee when I spotted this piece of stunning artwork at the thrift store. 

Drool ---- gasp ---- HAD TO HAVE IT. 

You all know the reaction when you find it ----- it being THE PERFECT THING for that spot.

Giddy with excitement - I took my discovery to the front and for the way too high price of $1.50 I now own this lovely.

A prime example of HOTEL/MOTEL art.

Yes - you can laugh - I did.

Actually I bought it because it is screened on a nice piece of ogee edged MDF.

It lived tucked in beside the refrigerator for quite some time. Until Friday night. Then I took off to the studio with this and an idea for the transformation.

I painted it dark brown, then this color named Country Tan was messily brushed on. Add torn pages from a dictionary too.

And at this point - I got sidetracked playing with my stuff. This almost became an artwork . Notice the adult beverage in the top of this picture. (Needless to say --- I was enjoying playing with fabric and lace and trims. And my art piece was "brilliant")

I took pictures. I loved what I was doing. It was going to be gorgeous.I was relaxed. I was happily playing with fabric and lace and pictures and ebellishments.   Again I call attention to the adult beverage.

It got late and I decided rather than to proceed, I would rest and attack on Saturday Morning ------- I just knew I would have a beautiful art piece that I would claim and hang in my house by Saturday evening. Smug and very happy, I went to bed.


I got up early and traipsed off to MaggieGraceWorld. Opened the door and gasped. I'm thinking someone screwed with my stuff during the night. Maybe Mr. Black Snake was there.

The beauty from the night before was not nearly as brilliant as I thought. As a matter of fact - it was what some folks would call a "HOT MESS". It would cause Sweet Southern Women to shake their heads and say "bless her heart" or "must have been a gift or she would never hang that on the wall" . Or even ---- "wow, I would put that in a room nobody else sees."

Yes it really was that bad.

Anyway --- it being Saturday MORNING, I was unaffected by that glass of green liquid.

So I took it all apart and proceeded with the original plan.

Quilted muslin stapled to the MDF.
Add vintage Rickrack and buttons.
A row of brass hooks.

And voila........

A wonderful new display for my booth at Junk in the Trunk. Yup - I like it. And it was (is) perfect for the space.

I have had the necklaces displayed on individual cards for a while. This changes the look and it's easier to check the chain length and such. It was a great decision to take this approach.

I hope you have a wonderful day ----


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