MaggieGrace has been a little absent of late. Nothing wrong - just busy. So in addition to a wonderful meal - I did a little cleaning in the studio (more like a lot) I need to paint a dresser and I had to make room for working on it.
I can't wait to show you what has arrived at our little house. It's a part of something - but I am still excited to have just these parts.
The Man at my Address and I slipped off for the day on Saturday. We took off to The Brasstown Valley Spa and Resort for a juried art and craft show. Had a wonderful time. We met up with Tipper and her friend Jackie. That was fun.
I also snagged a bag of seam binding and thread at an antiques store. I'll be scanning some of that for you in the next few days.
But I did DO some creating as well.
I had these cropped pants that I had outgrown. I only wore them once when I got them. I had a little tumble, broke my foot, and ripped the pants. I really liked them but I stuffed them in the mending pile and left them. Then I got really fat. (you know that story)

Well now I am losing all that weight and I tried these on and can wear them again. I decided to MaggieGrace fix them. That above is the little hole.

And its pretty little repair. Now these are hanging in the closet just waiting for warmer weather. Happy girl. Took all of an hour to make these and stitch them on. Now why do we put this kind of thing off?
I'm focusing on a nice relaxing December. Since others do the Christmas program at the church, I am really enjoying my spare time.
I hope you and your are having a wonderful day. My life is full of blessings.