abby (l) renee (c) Cortney (r)
No craft post today. I am working on something but can't post it yet.
We spend a long and miserably hot weekend at the softball field with Abby's team, in Conyers, GA. Then spent Monday just resting and relaxing in the AC.
I have seen this list on several blogs and decided to do a little different take on it. My girls mean so much to me and I want them to know that so here goes.
I AM: Your mom. And so proud of both of you.
I SAID: I would never be like my mom and dad. Parts of me still are and I can't help that. Parts of you will be like me and you can't help that.
I WANT: You to have a better life than I. (I think every parent wants this for their child.) You can do anything you want, just always be true to yourself.
I WISH: The best in life and love for you. Find the things you are passionate about and have them in your life at all times.
I HATE: That people will hurt you. That you will suffer disappointments. That you will make bad decisions and have to suffer those consequences. But you can survive all of that.
I MISS: The way you needed me for everything when you were little.
I FEAR: Something horrible happening to either of you.
I HEAR: The laughter in your voices. I hope I always will.
I WONDER: What you will tell your children about your years growing up.
I REGRET: That you never knew my dad. He would have brought so much to your life.
I AM NOT: Willing to live in the past nor am I willing to let you.
I DANCE: With you. Always remember how fun it is to dance and play.
I SING: With you. "I Feel Good" will always bring joy to my heart as I remember all the times we sang together. Can't make myself sing "Hangnails and Boogers". Dad will have to do that.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: As sure about myself and decisions as you might think.
I MADE: Sure that I LOVE YOU was a daily part of conversations with you. Everyone needs to hear that from a sincere person often.
I WRITE: This for you. You are beautiful girls inside and out.
I CONFUSE: Wants and needs. What we all really need is love, nourishment, shelter, clothing, and faith. Everything else is a want.
I NEED: For you both to love deeply, fully, and honestly.
I SHOULD: Try to protect you from some things in the world. Sometimes not be such a realist to you.
I START: Everyday thanking God for you both and praying that you will make good decisions about your life.
I FINISH: Everyday thanking God for you both and praying that you will make good decisions about your life.
I BELIEVE: In a loving God. and that you can do practicallly anything you choose.
I KNOW: that being your mom is one of the biggest blessings of my life.
I CAN: look back on your birth and life and know that I always tried to do right by you.
I CAN'T: Live in the past. I have to let you grow and expand your world as you are ready.
I SEE: Each of you becoming respectable and respectful young ladies. Be true to yourself and I will consider everything you do a success.
I LEARN: Something new from you everyday.
I READ: My Bible and try to apply those principles to my life. I read other literature to learn, to relax, and to be inspired.
I FIND: Humour in strange events and places. Every life should have laughter in it.
I LAUGH: With you, at you, and about you. Also with and about others and myself.
I LIKE: Knowing that you are my girls.
I LOVE: You both - no matter what. Fully, deeply, unconditionally, eternally.
I BLOG: Because I want to share this special relationship with this creative community. I want to have others know more about me and the people in my life. I hope to inspire someone to be better than they were before they read my thoughts. I blogged this because I am proud to be your mom.
I TAG: Every mother or father who read this, to share a list with your children. I am sure that I can add so much more to my list as I think about other things that my girls bring to me. Please leave a comment or link if you wish to share any of your thoughts or lists with my community.