Tuesday, March 31, 2009
MaggieGrace is crazy busy
I have had my mechanic test drive a used vehicle I am buying.
And I have been super busy at work.
Just so you don't leave here bored and shaking your head - take off on this side trip and scroll down to the hexagon artwork --- absolutely beautiful.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Finished ---
This was the opening of the first papragraph in a thrifted dictionary. This is featured in the Rebecca Sower inspired piece from several days ago.
That is Sam - Molly's boy - ironing Molly's clothes for Sunday. What the ????????? (please do not look too closely at all the mess around him)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Friday Fun Stuff
Mama had a stereo with an 8trak deck and could play 45's and lp's when I was growing up. We spent many hours singing Harper Valley PTA and Little Old Lady from Pasedena using a hairbrush as a microphone. I remember playing a Jan and Dean Album over and over. Or setting a stack of 45's on the turntable and singing for hours.
We saw Tanya Tucker when she was 11 or 12 at a concert in my hometown gym in Royston Georgia. She sang Delta Dawn and I remember thinking how much fun it must be to travel and just sing for a living.
The was a country music park near where I grew up. Shoal Creek. There was an outdoor stage down by the creek. We saw Jeannie C. Riley there. Later, they built a nicer building, still very much like a metal warehouse and used folding chairs for seating. There are pictures of my dad and Dolly Parten from that venue. (What I remember from that concert was big blonde hair, that high pitched giggly laugh, and the "bling" on Porter Wagner's coat.)
The Songsters, a southern gospel group, I remember from the gymnasium at Emmanuel College. Mr. Buddy Coile sang bass for the group. I now go to church with he and his beautiful wife Miss Jane. I told more about them in this post.
Blues, jazz, rock and roll have all been included in my music listening. Uncle John is JW Hell, rock and roll uncle, brother, and friend, spent many a night in a bar with that crew. I love that environment for stress relief. Dancing - getting completely caught up in the moment - the pulse racing motion accompanied by music, laughter, and booze. Been there - done that - ton of those t-shirts.
One Christmas, before 1980, I wanted the KISS solo albums. My mom said no, but my Dad (Santa) brought them anyway. Again hours of music.
Married. Add children and some Barney is a Dinosaur music to your list. Those Friday nights dancing in a bar are few and far between. But still I danced, just with a toddler, who is now in college, on my hip singing Travis Tritt's "Quarter Song." Now that they are older, nights out are beginning to occur again.
Just because I never told this before, I rolled a car when I was pregnant with the College Freshman. Landed on the top in the bottom of a ravine. I turned the switch off, put the car in gear (as if parking) and took the cassette out of the player before trying to get out of the car. Yes, that is bizarre, but that's what I did.
Cassettes, then CDs, now MP3 players. Love a mixed CD with songs chosen by someone else. Those CD's are immediately swiped by the teens and downloaded to the MP3 - then returned to a mom who is still at CD stage in her vehicle.
Add in a stint as children and youth choir director and you add hymns and praise music. Favorites there - Amazing Grace and The Old Rugged Cross - and a Contemporary song called No Orphans of God.
Last night, the Softball Princess had procrastinated on getting a paper done. At 9:30 we discovered that the printer was out of ink. At 9:36, Mom is on her way to WalMart (some 25 minutes one way) to get one. Angry at a teen, frustrated because this kind of crap don't happen at other people's house (I know that it does), driving in the rain, I thumbed through my CD box. What was I looking for? Nothing in particular, but I realized that the role of music in my life is varied and huge. I have now included the children's music among my likes as well. Music will always be important to me.
So what did I choose? - Nickleback, Buck Cherry, Rhianna and some mid 80's Stratus. There was also a little ABBA. And yes, I was the one singing in the car at the light and seat dancing. I also was over being mad before I got home.
How about you?
(note - pictures are of albums in our collection. We still have the component turntable system and still use it regularly.) On a good day - I dance - just because it feels good. A partner would be nice, but at this stage in my life, I think its okay just to dance for myself.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Recycle - reuse - repurpose
I am reaching the bottom of the pile of these, so it is time to pack a bag and make some more. I have a huge box of cards to cut circles and ovals from. I use the pile of yarn from the score I blogged here.
A very portable craft. Just my style.
It is raining and cool here today. The Softball Princess stayed home from school. I had to chase goats this morning at work. In the rain.
It is just the kind of day that would be nice for a small fire and napping.
Hope this finds all of you having a wonderful day.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Forever is a long, long time.
note - I snagged this picture at flickr. Please follow the links to see more from this photographer. The story is not about the pictured couple.
Friday Night - small town Danielsville, Georgia - truely a one red light town. This is on my way home from work and I stopped for Chinese at the new shopping center (the one with 6 retail spaces and is the most happening place in the city limits.)
I was meeting Molly and Sam for dinner. College student and teen boyfriend - always ready for food. I watched the old couple pull up. He drove slowly, no, deliberately, looking for a space closer to the door. The two of them had to be in their late 80's. They were dressed to go out to dinner. A special trip, something we take for granted.
He parked and got out. Looking at him, I am sure he was quite the good looking catch in his younger days. His still beautiful wife moved oh so very slowly. It became obvious that time had not been as gentle with her, she was frail and unsteady. He walked to her side of the car, got her door, reached in and gathered her purse and sweater, then carrying those items he took her gently by the arm and escorted her in. Again, plodding across that lot oh so slowly.
It made me happy to watch them.
Molly and Sam joined me and we were fortunate enough to be seated next to them. He draped her sweater on her chair and set her purse down next to her, then helped her to a seat in the chair. His patience was obvious. I sensed no annoyance at the time and effort this all took. No annoyance from either of them.
It made me happy to watch them.
We fixed our plates at the buffet. He fixed hers. I never heard him ask what she wanted, as if all those years of living together had simply given him the information he needed. He took her plate to her, then went back and prepared his own. I could see his face from my postion, but could only see her back. As he sat down, he reached across the table brushed her hand and said "you look pretty" then handed her a fork and made sure her drink was where she could reach it.
It made me happy to watch them and I told Molly and Sam that it did.
He encouraged her to eat just another bite or two. Ever watchful without being pushy. He cleaned up the few things that fell from her plate. Simply taking care of his bride.
It made me happy to watch them.
Molly, Sam and I lingered after we ate. We laughed and talked. I watched this old couple still very much loving toward one another. When they finished their dinner, he went and paid the check, came back to the table, helped her to her feet, gathered up her purse and sweater, then oh so very slowly walked her to the car. The very last thing I heard him say was "that was a very nice dinner don't you think."
I never heard her say one word. I have no idea what caused her frail manner. I wondered to myself if she was even able to talk to him. I watched the decisions to love and care for his partner be as easy as breathing for him. I wondered so much about this old couple.
It made me happy to watch them.
I lifted a prayer for them and a thanks to God for allowing me to get a glimpse of long term love. Forever is a very long time.
I look at my girls and know that they are in the time of their life where they are working towards making a lifetime partnership decision. I hope Molly and Sam were watching carefully the old couple at the Chinese place. Love is not about texting one another all hours of the day and night. Love is not about those three words that are often tossed about far to casually. Love is not about calling to see what she is wearing so that your tie can match. Love is forged and fire tested in each little bitty decision to sacrifice for the good of the partnership.
I watched the old couple carefully - he demonstrated every descriptive word from the scripture.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will come to pass away.
For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am full known.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
It made me happy to watch them
Monday, March 23, 2009
Thank you Rebecca Sower
It is amazing to me how quickly a few stitches at a time add up.
I have collected Scrabble letter tiles since forever and when I saw Rebecca's picture, I had an immediate inspiration.
I strie painted a background in creams and browns.
Now I am in the process of "wrapping" my letter tiles in some strips of decorator weight fabric. I am loving the little "hint" of color left after I fray a few threads off the front. Subtle, but I like it. It is a little tedious as well.
More bits from the weekend. Happy birthday to my wonderful MIL - Ann.
It was great to see you Alan, Jackie, Brookie, and Brody (granddog).
Uncle John - love ya.
Lynda, Maddie, and Laura, and Honey (another granddog) - it was great to see you too - sorry we had to eat and run.
Chicken BarBQue at the church - Relay for Life bingo Fundraiser - and a softball tournament.
Whew - I needed to come back to work to rest.
Oh yeah - I am going to THIS.
Have a great day -------
Friday, March 20, 2009
Friday Fun Stuff
Also - collectors of ephemera and other such goodies. Go see her and link out to her ETSY and do you part for economy stimulation.
Now on to Friday fun. I bought these at the flea market the weekend we took Softball Princess snow skiing. You all know that I love this kind of thing. I even love this back side view just because it is graphic.

But turn them over and have a look.

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thinking Spring
I also copied all of the embroidery on the copier. I'll use my transfer pen to add these embroidery patterns to my fabric.
Instead of working on quilt stuff, I finished this little car seat cover. I had found several balls of really soft wool yarn at BigLots for 1.00 a ball, and this is just big enough to cover a car seat. It does not have a planned owner, but I am sure there will be one soon.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
can't touch this

Monday, March 16, 2009
Sorry -
These pictures are inside under a flourescent light because it has RAINED all weekend - YES YES YES. The only time it was a problem was when I was sitting in that rain at a soccer game on Saturday - that qualified for the word YUK.
I cut and I drilled and I polished - let me just tell you - if you need to polish silver, copper, or brass a lot, go ahead and invest in a Dremel tool and the polishing accessory kit. I used NEVR DULL wadding style polish - rub down the silver with it, then used the nylon brush in the dremel tool. Life is easy and you all know that I like easy. FYI - that black bead in the picture above is actually a vintage glass button. That is a very large bracelet because those were serving pieces.
These mother of pearl hearts came off a bracelet that broke. There were three on that bracelet and of course I saved them
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
My monsters ---

Front porch - Sunday evening - March 1, 2009 - 9 inches of wet, nasty, power destroying, snow. I melted snow in containers over candle flame to flush the toilets - does that qualify for TMI? We did grill salmon for lunch on Monday --- yummy

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Something I hope to find.......
Your heart races - glance both ways to see if anyone is looking - and you ease the lid open. Gasp - slam lid closed and grab the thing and race to the check out. I bought a few cigar boxes, Some scrabble games and this. Happily hand the old man at the checkout the 16.00 he asked for and run to the truck.
Then was too busy to really investigate the contents until I got home last night. I took the tin's picture on my kitchen porch. Then helped the man at my address move the wood heater. Cooked supper. Took the Softball Princess to the FCA meeting. All the while craving the time to open this "bucket"
Finally - late last night I opened it.
Oh yeah - buttons - including a complete sales sample sheet.
I had a wonderful time going through them. I bottled up some and sent home to Molly's boyfriend's mom.
Now for the real reason for this post name. I piled yarn - floss - and fabric scraps on a stack of debris in the yard. This morning I saw a bird fly by with a colorful bit in it's beak. I hope to find a colorful bird nest in the nearby woods soon.
Have a wonderful day.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Glimpse at my weekend
What do you think? The cool part - I got a side job decorating a retail spot for one of our customers. A pool place is adding patio furniture to their offering and I'll be using my handy inexpensive tricks to separate an area for this display from pool chemicals etc.
Happy spring all - if any of you want to help me clean and reassemble the showroom - just let me know.
Ready for this - I spent less than 60.00 for booth decor items - not too shabby right?
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Roses Are Red - I mean beige
Pretty just like it is. The guys at work discarded two boot boxes with nice little carrying handles. You know the crafter in me had to grab them to use to carry and store crap in.
Poke - Fold - Twist.
I wont be here tomorrow - I'll be at our classic center setting up for a grueling weekend of work ---- be back Monday.