Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ready or Not

And just that quick - she's a high school Senior. Last night was our final regular season home game ever. The program recognized 10 seniors.

The Man at my Address, Softball Princess, and me.

The Barefoot Boy (and his dad and brother) were there too. Also Nomi (my mom) and Grandmother and Granddaddy)

But because this is supposed to be a crafty blog, I thought I would toss in some things I am making. Gotta get busy on them too -- show times a coming.

Lace edged cameos

These still need to let me know if they wanna be brooches or cuff bracelet accents.

This one is an odd yellow green color. But isn't she pretty.

I'm loving these - there will be more to come very soon.
Back to the grown up girl job. Hanging faucets for display today.
It's beautiful here.

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