Monday, December 31, 2007
The end of 2007

Saturday, December 29, 2007
Saturday ..... the last one of the year
I wanted to share some wonderful news - my lovely neice, Brooke, will be getting married on Tuesday. Now that's a New Year celebration. Her fiance, Kevin, is in service and there is a strong chance he will be deployed soon, so we will be attending a wedding on Tuesday. These plans came as a phone call last night. I am praying blessings on them both as they start this next phase of their life together. I hope you all will lift them up as well.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Friday, December 28, 2007
We certainly don't need one of these in the south
This was at first an incredibly fun embroidery project. The animals themselves were a challenge to do. I love how they turned out. The textures of the different stiches and yarns are fun. Then came the wall boards - OMG - what a frustrating nightmare they were. They are stitched from a shiny - easily frayed - rayon upholstry thread - I bought many spools at the fabric warehouse. I had to work with short pieces and then the stitches were pulling the fabric out of shape. Many hours - lots of cursing - days of wetting and reblocking - finally adding some iron on interfacing to the back to hold it into shape.
The piecing was fun. I was sewing on the dining room table and rather than destroy all the clean decor, I was pressing on the top of the washing machine. I would sew a piece and then get up and walk in front of the tv to the laundry room - to the tune of "mom you're in the way" - and press that piece - then back again.
Oh yeah - I USED WHAT I HAD.
I am tickled with how it turned out. I'll show it to you in full when it goes to live at it's new home. Tracey can hang this at work, there will be nothing that can be used as a weapon in its construction - I'll use a piece of hat band material as a stiffener across the top and then ribbon to hang it from those command hooks. I am glad I don't have to think ahead of criminals every day in my work. I only have to be on guard for serious practical joking.
I feel better today - I am beginning to create the CIP project list for 2008. Thanks to all of you for your encouraging words. I can feel the creative juices beginning to flow. I'll have a weekend away from family soon - Jan 11-13 - work related, but the nights are mine. So looking forward to that trek. Then the next weekend, Jan 18 and 19, the travel volleyball season opens in Chattanooga, TN. There will be lots of crochet and quilting time there as we sit and watch or sit and wait.
Have a wonderful day.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Not a creature was stirring - take two.....
We had our girls and there were many many years of rolling out of bed - way before dawn for the Santa HoHo dance. Complete with those high pitched girly squeals. Now - my girls are teens and we had to get them up on Christmas morning - just barely still morning might I add. Both of them just snuggled deeper in the covers when they realized it was light outside. So Christmas was laid back and relaxed. We were well rested, ate junk food (just like every other morning) and generally were lazy sloths all day. I stayed in my pj's literally all day. As did my blonde princess - see below.
You can see that she did try on the jacket Santa brought - let's not discuss how much Santa piad for that hoodie. Right over those said jammies. She is WATCHING Molly open the gifts. Molly even opened Abby's stocking stuff. Too much fun. You can see behind her the gifts I got. Light fixtures and ceiling tiles for the studio.
The island separates the living and dining rooms. Right now it is full of craft stuff - surprise. Look closely at the top - it is made from the slate off a pool table. The oak corners are still intact and I left all the mounting holes in the slate. I still have two pieces of the slate, just waiting for inspiration. This is one of my favorite pieces and stories in my house. When we renovated, the toilet bowl was so nasty that we changed the toilet. I was working with a homeowner at her house, and tripped over the slate. Before I was set to leave, the plumber broke the tank of her toilet, a 1940's toilet exactly like the one I had just taken out of our house. I traded a used toilet tank for these three pieces of slate. I really think I got the best of that deal.
I am starting to take down the few decorations we did get out and I wanted to share this one with you. I adore nativity sets. I have many, many of them. I have very formal ornate ones. I have ornaments. I have childish ones. I have handcrafted ones. I adore each and every one. This wooden one was made for me by my little sister. Cut out and woodburned - we used to let the girls play with this one and some other unbreakable ones - over and over they would tell the Christmas story. Those memories are incredibly precious to me.
I am struggling with some post holiday blues this week. Losing Charles uncle through the holiday has been difficult. Realizing that the traditions we consider "normal" - with Molly being a part of them - are about to change are bothering me too. Add to it that we are getting some much needed rain and overcast skies and my mood matches the weather. I am feeling a distinct lack of creativity - I have some things going, but just not much enthusiam for the projects . I am crocheting a baby blanket out of some thread I had stashed in the attic - I have the cowboy quilt that I desperately need to finish - not starting another one until that one is done - and the studio waits patiently for paint. I can tell when everything is flowing smoothly in me, because the ideas tumble out and right now that is just not happening. It will be back, I just need a break. This holiday season was tiring - could a major surgery have had anything to do with it - and I need to rest.
With the way this year has gone, I am glad to move on into 2008.
Have a wonderful day.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Not a creature was stirring.....
It is not an optical illusion - I really do have those huge baseboards - Somewhere between 11 and 12 inches.
Now meet - Ingrid (l), Myra (c), and Melvin (r) - all softie dolls from MaryAnn. She sells them through her Etsy store as well - butt cracks included - and they are adorable - Thanks my friend and thanks for the box of scraps - I have an idea for them but I won't share that today.
Happy Holidays - Teresa
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Prayer Request
Uncle Ralph we will miss you.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas......
Now - I met Raesha when she signed up for CIP with us. I have enjoyed everything over at her place too. She just finished up a birthday party for her miss "S" and I am wishing I had an invite. I found a package from her yesterday on the porch. Look ----
It is a pretty peachy pink and red and green - made just like a pencil roll but instead of pencils - I immediately loaded it with .......
Three more stores - Target, Michaels, Academy Sports - and I will have the girls done. Then I can rest a tiny bit.
The tree is lit but undecorated. That is a horrible state of being. This is the latest we have waited to do this. Oh well - we will get there. I am very envious of those beautifully decorated houses but with my surgery and recovery, I didn't get the village down from the attic during Thanksgiving and just haven't had time as the season bore down on us. I haven't even hung the wreath on the front door. But the stockings are hung (thanks girls) and the season is jolly.
I return to the doctor next May. See yesterday's edit for the information.
I have tried to keep the stress at bay this year. Maybe there is something to the idea of a plan for the season. The focus of CIP will be different this year, I will say that I have been emailed about some folks still participating and I will do that - drop me an email if you are interested to teresahome@juno.com - I will give some thought to how to focus it this year.
Have a wonderful weekend - and just in case I take an unintentional break - MERRY CHRISTMAS.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I am so close.......
To finishing what I need to make before Christmas. This pink and black beanie - then one more from the grey/black in the picture (fyi - bag from Vallen), a little bit of cross stitch for a pillow cover, finishing that same pillow cover, and I can call it done. There were others that I would like to have done - go over to the very first post on CIP. - but that is okay, there will be next year.
I will be keeping the CIP blog open next year and I'll still be posting over there as I have things Christmas related. I have so enjoyed the ladies who jumped in there and played along. I have to say, 2007 has been one of my most creative years. I have tried new things. I have stretched myself. My skills have improved. And - OMG - the inspiration that this community brings to us all.
Generosity - inspiration - encouragement - support - laughter - understanding - beauty. I have found all this and so much more at your blog homes. Of course - as in life - I have formed lasting realationships with some - I have simply visited with others. I love the leads to others links that you all have and as I have grown in this - I have become even more inspired for 2008. I also spend hours reading somedays. I do not want to lose track of any of you as you add to the posts in your worlds. All this is leading into a full blown endorsement for one of the handiest internet tools I have found. If you have not tried google reader - www.google.com/reader - you absolutely must. Easy to set up - easy to use - shows the pictures (a huge problem for the last blogroll I used and abandoned) and allows you to link out to either the post or the blog itself. A wonderful tool to use - of course it would be - powered by google and all. It even will point you to more blogs that fit your setup scheme. Amazing. Adding new blogs to you list is almost effortless as well - just copy and paste the address in the box.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A crowd pleaser
Monday, December 17, 2007
Elf shoes and stuff
There is no comfort for me in the discussion at all. She is 67 and all her kids are grown and gone - but there she is at my house at 11pm Friday night before the program sewing costumes. I am afraid this will be me.
One last look at costume accessories. The Potentate's hat/crown = I took the bill off a ball cap and glued this fabric over and around the hat part. The jewel is a candle jar lid w/rinestones and glitter. Please note that even with costuming a king and his page - twenty one kids - and creating a backdrop for the program - I have only used what I had and what was at the church - a real indication that I have too much stuff still.
I'll have pictures of the backdrop and my favorite set piece tomorrow..... I'll try to upgrade this information about the elf shoes as well.
Have a wonderful Monday ...
Friday, December 14, 2007
Round and round
About the weather - after a week of sunny 70 degree days - we are going to have cold rain over the weekend. Then it supposed to stay cold. Maybe.
Next picture - a WIP shot of the gift tags from this year and a sneak peek of the cover of the journal MaryAnn sent
Yes - I have it hung over a fork. These are stamped and gold embossed trees. Love these - it took longer to punch than to stamp and emboss. When I was embossing with the heat gun I had to get close to the edge and that was way to close to my fingers - hence the fork. This is in my kitchen at the island and it was the closest "holder" available. When I realized just how convenient this was - I added a fork to the tool list to put in the studio drawer when I move in - this joins other high tech tools like a metal skewer, toothpicks and wooden spring clothes pins. These tags will adorn all my packages - the girls love them. I made some hot pink Santa ones as well - pictures to come later of those.
Last night I was alone in the house. That used to be rare, but as the monsters get older, it is happening more and more. I found all the "stuff" for the king's cape - started a hat/crown - and worked out a pattern for some pointed toe "elf" type sock covers. I made the pattern out of paper - then a calico cotton and sewed the pattern together while I was watching Project Runway reruns. Those will be on the agenda tonight to assemble from acrylic felt and embellish. Easy to make - adjustable - I'll post the instructions for these on Monday - I will be using this pattern for the woodland fairy costume next Halloween.
After everyone went to bed, I finished the 20th hat and started number 21. This one is hot pink and already has been assigned to a new owner. It was quiet in the house and I was pondering things. Look at the pattern the crown of these hats make.....
Like I said - this is the beginning of hat number 21, being made from a stranded smooth acrylic yarn. I had not noticed the pattern until this one. The spiral is really pretty to me. But since I didn't notice this - I was pondering just how many patterns we don't notice. I'm talking behavioral patterns - mental patterns - emotional patterns - both negative and positive. I identified several phrases that I use than can set up a negative vibe in my life and I have a feeling I found some of the best New Years Resolutions fodder I have had in many years. Look for more on this.
The Christmas list is oh so slowly dwindling - next week will be busy - decorating - creating - then after the holiday - the studio becomes my top priority. It's close to being ready to paint and the feeling in that space is very relaxing and creative - I cannot wait to start that process and then load my stuff in there. I really wonder how many things I'll find that I have forgotten about.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
So this one is irreverent.......
Anyway, knowing that I could be driven to drink at this time of the year, one of my customers sent me another tree decorating idea (remember - I used beer bottle caps for some of my creations) Just take a look ---------------

Coming soon to the corner window in my office. (not really - mine would look dead - Coors Light is in brown bottle). All of us may save bottles this next year and see if we can build one.
Next on the irreverent list - and this particular photo prompted a long and oh so pleasant conversation with this lovely lady. I received a package of goodness from her - I'm not patient so I ripped into it. Remember - I sent her a journal for her birthday. Seems she had already started on one for me. I'll be dropping pages in here as I need post fodder. This journal is wonderful - quotes and spaces for me to enter my own stuff. Now not only is MaryAnn incredibly talented, she teaches English and she could teach penmanship. I love to see her handwriting on an envelope or note. Thank you oh so much - my friend.
Here's the quote down the edge of one of my pages.........
Yes there is a huge amount of insider information contained in this, but it just fits the irreverent nature of this post.
Christmas is bearing down on us all. We will put up our tree this weekend - the girls have a party Friday Night and we have the Christmas Program and a party on Sunday - next week I have to get my stuff together - then I can relax.
Hope this finds you having a wonderful holiday season -- Merry Christmas All.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
It was worth the wait......
Just look at this goodness.
I also worked on a few more goodies last night. Now don't be jealous all of you cigar box people. Yes, these are in a wooden box. One of the work/storage ones that I love. I have even at times put a rubber band around this one and carried a small project around with me.
Tags - punched out of white cards stock - some red mud colored stamp pad ink - and a sheet of artchix images I received in a package from someone. I have a Sizzix die cut system - thank you local best friend - and a tag die with 3 sizes of tags. Last night I stamped and glued and finished 60 tags. 30 more large ones to complete, add hangers, and these little packages will be done.
These are the ones I finished last night. I hang the groups on a portable (cheap) locker corkboard for now. In the studio I'll have space on the design wall for this kind of storage while I'm working.
Tonight, I'll be finishing these tags and then another hat. I have the little quiltlet and a cross stitch pillow to finished before next weekend. Two capes, shoe covers and a crown/hat thing by Saturday. As much as I tried to eliminate the Christmas rush, I still have those two last minute things to complete. And hats - Abby keeps adding friends to the hat list.
As I approach the end of this year, I am reflecting on how this place has changed things in my life. I now consider so many of YOU as friends. I write here regularly and visit with each of you as well. I look forward to comments and I leave many for you as well. My art and craft has improved, my inspiration level has dramatically increased. It has been a good year. I thank you all for the encouragement and inspiration you give me.
Have a wonderful day everyone.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Good Morning Monday
I have two capes to make for the program and some shoe covers. I also have a wee bit of painting to finish. It will get done - it always does.
This weekend was a good mail weekend. (JEN - still no infamous package #2) I have a new button bracelet - courtesy of the Queen herself. I also wish I knew how to get the finish that is on that tag.
The colors in this bracelet are stunning. Looks like ice cream to me. And the yarn is so soft and easy on the skin. Thank you my Queen - you are the bestest.
My weekend consisted of finishing the bottle cap collages - they are now all dry and I'll be putting those hanging loops on them tonight. (God I love my glue gun) The hanging loops will have a little surprise on them as well. You won't see that picture until they start arriving at their new homes. And since we had basketball - the ever handy bag (also a gift from the Queen) was by my side.

I hope you all have a wonderful afternoon.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Project and Prezzies
I have not seem much of Abby's work yet - so much is completed in class. But Molly is building her portfolio - so we see a lot of her stuff. This is the latest - almost finished - project. Her copy of Marc Chagall's "I and the Village" from his 1911 work. She will finish it this morning in class and turn it in today. This painting is fairly large - the poster behind/under it is a standard presentation poster size. I love this one and I normally am not a huge modern art fan of Chagall. The colors are wonderful and the imagry is fun. I just wanted to share her work.
Also a part of the assignment was a presentation poster. Look at the original print of the painting in the center. I think she has done a wonderful job with this duplication.
I didn't open package five from JEN - I am opening one every day and last night I had one that smelled too good to leave alone. Meet Lyric - we named her immediately. A hanging sachet bird - package number 6. OMG she smells wonderful and she is pretty too. I would love to have her in my linen chest, but then how could I look at her? So for now she is hanging on the china cabinet and I get a whiff as I walk by. By the way - the owl is Loretta - so now we have that "L" thing going on. When Lyric arrived - the trend was established so we focused on continuing that trend. Thanks again JEN.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Leonard has a friend....
And this is Leonard's new friend. I'm going to spend some time before naming this one. But isn't she lovely. Her back is a really pretty peachy heart print.
I have been working away at lots of things. CIP mailers are being readied. The hat factory remains open - and handwashing dishes is terribly time infringing on the factory schedule. The Christmas program prep is in full swing. There is no way I will get into the studio before Christmas. I am tired in the evenings and trying really hard not to push too much - although the pain is gone and I feel quite well other than fatigue.
If you didn't read the comments on yesterday's post, you should - the stories are funny. I enjoy every one of your comments and I always go back and read them (blogger is not really reliable to send them via email).
Thank you again - JEN - this is a wonderful surprise - I cannot wait to see the rest of the goodies - even elusive package number two.
Have a glorious day -
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Twisted Humour, Teens, and Beer

That covers twisted humour.
Now teens.
Thank you again JEN -
The packages are out of order. Missing number two. But numbers 3 , 4, and 5 showed up yesterday. I am impatient so I opened number three. It was a vintage fabric pendant. OMG it is wonderful. I had it open in my hand and was reading the note when the dang thing disappeared right before my eyes.
Seems this young lady is the jewelry thief. She is much taller than me and could see the necklace over my shoulder. Poof it was gone from my hand and hanging around her neck. Notice the number on her shirt. Mom is the coolest according to her. That is my senior shirt she has on. I dug it out of the cedar chest and she scarfed it up too. Yes she's rotten.
We'll see how it turns out. I did spray the budlight logo off the caps - spraypaint is a fabulous tool. Add it to my favorites list of craft materials.
And an embarassing confession - last night I went to the attic looking for some of my Christmas stuff. The man normally goes and I have not been up there in like forever. But I needed to find something so I went. I found a suitcase that at some point got put up there still packed. Contents - clothes I had forgotten about, a pair of shoes we have all looked for, diapers and formula. Abby is fourteen - so estimated time of storage - 13 years. Anybody else agree its time for a serious attic cleanup. As I was looking at the stuff - I spied a box that was labeled "crochet yarn". I have lots of yarn already and I thought to my self "surely I didn't bring a box of yarn up here." Well I did and now I have more yarn in the stash - really not more yarn in the stash since technically it was already there - but more that I am now aware of. Such is the discombobulated life that I lead. Have a laugh on me about the suitcase and share a funny story on yourself.
Have a wonderful day everyone.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Mail Call
I got home yesterday to this package
Monday, December 03, 2007
I am the hat makin queen .....

You know how sometimes you get hooked on something. Well I am going to be just that through the next several days. Beanie hats - last count 18 - with several more to go. Friday night one of Abby's friend brought a yarn she liked and asked me to make one. I started that hat Friday after the ball game and then finished it during Saturday's ball game - delivered to one satisfied customer. I have at least 6 more to finish this week. As quick as I get still - I grab the stuff and start. Things are hectic - and driving that extra 25 minutes each way to moms and back - has added a tremendous amount of stress to life. This too shall pass - I'm sure. We are praying for significant rain. SOON.
I never turned on my computer at home this weekend. Too busy. I have no earthly idea where the camera is - probably a childs purse. Charles and I had a heated discussion on Saturday and he spent the weekend "hiding" in my barn - the result - lots of progress and it is almost ready for paint. I will soon be occupying MaggieGrace Studio and I am so excited about that.
I am breaking one of my rules though. In order to get our tree in, we have to rearrange a lot. Molly, Abby, and I will be moving a few things into the studio to make room for the tree. I know it isn't finished, but this won't impede the progress of the work. At some point this week, I'll be trying to whitewash the back wall, it may be the weekend before that happens.
Sunday brings the dress rehearsal for the play and there will be myriad parties starting to occur. Busy - busy - busy.
Yesterday was the first Sunday of advent. The topic and focus of this week is HOPE. What it is - what it means to me - what symbols of hope do I have around. 11 years ago - I was diagnosed with breast cancer. A single cell - clean margins - I just had a huge tumour removed - not cancer - but abnormal anyway. Both of those were major events in my life and yet they pale to what others suffer through. I have grown through this and become a stronger and more focused person. This has given me an understanding of challenges and a softness for people who are enduring a challenge. It has also allowed me to see hope - that nothing will overcome the love of my Lord in my life. Through everything I have experienced - He has been there - my strength. I have been shown that HOPE again and again. There is a new day dawning for everyone - grab it and live fully - powerfully - hopefully.
Have a wonderful day.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Happy Friday..... And a WIP
Recovery news - I rested really well last night - more like crashed and burned - but I needed it. Today - I feel almost back to normal but without the lethargy and fog from the medications I have been on for years. I have a tiny bit of discomfort. But nothing significant. I have a beanie hat to finish this afternoon and it is a stunning day. It is also my last 1/2 day of work - back to full reality next week - this afternoon I may sit in the porch swing and finish this hat before taking off to a basketball game.
Tomorrow will find me working on the piecing for this little lovely.
While Charles was building walls in the barn, I was doing the same on fabric. Another UWIH item as well. Those long lines in the background are designed to be boards. I will handwash this tonight and pin it out for blocking. I have the fabric selected for the rest of the item. You won't find the finished one here, but I will post it over at CIP when I finish, this is one of the projects I listed for my Sister over there.
Tonight - I'll just be stamping and gluing tags and cards and such for the CIP packages.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The well is dry....
The plumbers seem to think we can limp along until the spring. We will try and put back money for a new well - just in case. The well recovered but there is just not much water there at all. So we will join the ranks of those who are strict about conservation.
Now on to more fun things.
Look carefully - that is my dining room floor and yes those are sparkles - teeny bits of white glitter. Right next to the island between the living and dining rooms. I just had to have this picture before I cleaned it up.
How did the glitter get there? Inquiring minds might want to know. Well the glitter was in this bowl it was being sprinkled on things and obviously I am just not as tidy with it as I would like to be. When ever I work with glitter it winds up everywhere. Including on me. I just tell people that it's the good fairy coming out.
What was I sprinkling the aformentioned glitter on? Well ----- sticks of course. Sticks that have been spray painted silver. So far in this process I am USING WHAT I HAVE.
Night before last I had crocheted and crocheted, using up some scrap yarn I had. 6 rows - quick and simple - round and round.
really cute little birdies on their nests.
What cha think ya'll?????
Have a wonderful day ---- Teresa