Molly is fully enrolled in her choice of college. Feels nice to have that behind us. A huge relief.
I have no positives to share today - so I'll be quick - tough day.
I would like input on the kinds of things we might need to send her off in the fall. I am starting to purchase the small things and stash them away. She even remembered nail clippers as an item to add to the list. Help me ladies and gentlemen - please share your lists. The dorm rooms do not allow microwaves/toaster ovens/ etc. but they do have a refrigerator and there is a microwave available. So if you have recently packed one off to a dorm room - please share your knowledge with me.
Have a wonderful day.
I had and electric tea kettle that I adored. I most often made rama noodles in it. loved it.
What comes in the dorm room? Meaning what kind of storage? My dorm had the beds built over drawers, my sister's dorm had bunk beds, so she needed a dresser...
Back of the door hanging storage is always helpful. You'll have to find out if they can hang them with hooks or if you need to get the removable sticky hooks.
double sided tape
are you making her an afghan of some sort?
I'll let you know if I think of anything else.
I was going to say that it hasn't been that long since I was living in a dorm room, but now that I think about it I guess it has been quite a while! Anyway, something I wished I had was Easy Mac. That stuff is actually really good and easy to make. We didn't have anything that great when I was in school. Also in one of my dorm rooms we had removable carpet tiles that my sister got as samples. It was really nice to have compared to the cold hard vinyl floor everyone else had. So if you have measurements for her room you could start looking for those or a carpet remnant. Otherwise I think lots and lots of pillows. Since there is never any room for extra furniture, floor pillows, etc. are always great. That's all I can think of right now!
go to local Target or Wal-Mart buy just about everything there :) one thing is a whole roll of quarters from the bank for the laundry machines, will she buy matching things with her roommate?... one friend's kid spent the whole summer before planning the look of their room.. rain gear is important like a good slicker .. got to go to class even if it rains.. check the length of her bed some dorm beds are longer than a normal twin. a trip to ikea here in Atlanta and the Container store would be a good but costly idea..it will all be great fun to gather and plan all this .. then you have to pack it all up and drop it of with her at the school.. start working on that now MOM
I almost feel foolish trying to come up with things, as I was in college in the 60's...but a few things that come to mind are; flashlight, one of those little personal book lights for reading at night without disturbing another, perhaps one of those "personal" organizers that hold shampoo, deodorant, hairbrush etc, a roll of postage stamps, some stationery, hmmmm??? a favorite stuffed animal for her bed?
Exciting times!
My son is all set for his first choice--which was in no way a stretch, but what he wanted. Which is great.
Lists? Not while I'm still in school, thank you very much!
Those hanging shoe bags (the flat kind not the boxy kind) are handy for lots of things. Shoes of course - but used on the back of a bathroom door or in you closet to store shampoo, etc.
I second the idea of an electric tea kettle - very useful.
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