It's cold here in GA today - below freezing temps last night and expected again tonite.
I went immediately to bed on Sunday afternoon and pretty much the same thing last night. I did come up with a new scarf pattern --easy to make and quick to crochet in a bulky yarn. I am also working on my interpretation of one I saw around a lady's neck several weeks ago. Maybe I'll have those for tomorrow.
About driving home on Sunday - let me advise you NOT to do that. It was stupid and dangerous to do. In my defense though, I wanted to be home and did not want to be in the hospital far away from home and alone. Also - my name is Mommy - Mommy's don't impose on others - Mommy's have to be strong - Mommy's have to go the extra effort - Mommy's have to be almost indestructable. For all of my local friends - no I did not call you - I know you would have come to my rescue - but you all have a life of your own and I just could not impose. Sorry - I'll have to do better on asking for help. Love you all.
I hope all of you have a wonderful day.
i often sense such exhaustion and unhappiness in your posts. where is your happy?
Yes, you should be ashamed for not calling anyone missy - good thing you're okay!!! You know I'd be calling you! On another note...can't wait to see the scarves!
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