Taking MaryAnn's lead, I will agree that it is completely time to just be thankful. Here's my short list.
healthy kids, a Man who does laundry, Old Navy pajama bottoms, laughter, 3 - 4 year olds, a fun place to work, friends I can really trust, my mama, my church, water, a house, dependable transportation, blogging, licorice - the pupdog, those ugly shoes that are so comfy, my postman, chocolate, olives, avacado dip, grey hair, laugh lines, sweet tea, coffee, heart pine floors, music, dancing, stash stuff, tv, creativity, abundance, fresh veggies, cyber friends, sunshine, things that were my nanny's, memories of my dad, a mother and father in-law that are just plain good folks, small town America, hard working people, quilts, crochet, fabric, dirt roads, barns, paper, kids art, candles, a backrub, a hot shower, I Love You's, time alone, time with family, time with friends, sushi, creative recycling, repurposing, ice cream, lunch with a friend, books, magazines, collages, art, craft, digital camera, old pictures, Amazing Grace, The Old Rugged Cross, giggling uncontrollably, the smell of fresh laundry, the snooze button, watching those girls become beautiful young women, softball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, old people in love, pot luck dinners, inside jokes, an outoor hot tub, sleeping in, a delicious nap snuggled up with a child, tiny fingers curled around mine, hugs, kisses, holding hands
wow for a short list, that became very long.
please post yours, then let me know where to find it.
have a wonderful day.
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