Thursday, May 07, 2009

Lace ruffles

A soft ivory lace ruffle crocheted by my mom. Cotton. Washable. Durable. She has no idea where she got the pattern nor where she put it. Seems some things run in the family.

I did get a pattern for a crochet irish rose. I will attempt it this weekend while sitting at a ball tournament. I want to use it as the top of my garden fairy ball that is one of the workshop projects next weekend. Wish me luck - I know that crochet is one of those needle arts that just requires practice, but that little stuff and lots of intricate detail intimidate me.

Speaking of intimidated. Now that I have fully absorbed the list of lovely women that are signed up for the en le Jardin event in Macon, I am basically frozen with that "what was I thinking?" feeling. Go ahead, click over there then cruise the links in the sidebar. Now do not get me wrong, I am sure these are wonderful, sweet, generous, kind, women along with being incredibly talented. I just feel like me and my have to work a real day-to-day job to make ends meet lifestyle, may be in a little out of my league with these lovelies.

I do have to say that after reading Elizabeth's post about the setup for the barn sale, I feel a little more at ease.

Wish I could explain my feelings of inadequacy to myself. I tend to come across as confident, assured, and capable, but inside I am often terrified that I will let people down. It isn't about being shy, I can stand in front of a crowd of people and speak with no problem. It is about comparing myself to the image I form in my mind about how others have it all together. Or that they are more ______ than I am. Not jealous either, I am quite happy with the life I have. I just really don't want to disappoint anyone. Those "what if they don't like me" feelings emerge easily too.

Sorry, this got to be a deep emotional post. Enough of all that.

I'm going. I'll meet and befriend lovely ladies. I'll have a great time. So there.....

Have a wonderful day.


Lannae Johnson said...

Okay...why don't we have a barn sale like that around here?! I would have been one of the ladies lined up ready to shop!! You know how I feel about you and this workshop: 1)totally jealous! 2)the other ladies are going to feel like you have as much to teach them as they have to teach you.

Isn't what this creating thing is all about? Can't wait to hear about it. And again...JEALOUS!

Carrie said...

I second Lannae! You have very much to offer. said...

You need a weekend like En Jardin!! It will be so good for you to be with a group of caring women with similar interests. After an event like this, I go home floating on air.

I'll see you soon!! I am so looking forward to Jenn's gathering.

Tipper said...


Darla said...

Everyone has something unique to offer and I expect that everyone feels pangs of doubt. Go have fun and then tell us all about it.


Raesha D said...

This instantly made me think of an old story someone told me once in Sunday School - life would be pretty boring if we were all vanilla ice cream....we need a little chocolate, strawberry, neopolitan, and chocolate chip mint to make life interesting. I'm happy to say that neither one of us are vanilla ice cream:) Even so it's kind of scary sometimes to try those new flavors:)