Thursday, July 16, 2009

A favorite gift......

My Nanny had one of these. She kept it in a kitchen drawer. I spent hours playing with it.

A few weeks ago - I decided I wanted one and we have no idea where Nanny's went. So I went on a hunt. Old fashioned hardware stores. Antiques shops. Junk shops. Flea market. Everywhere I went - I looked for one of these.

I said something to Local Best Friend at the time. Then did not think another thought about it.

Look what LBF gave me for my birthday.

A hammer - not just any hammer - one exactly like the one I played with as a small girl.

It comes apart into increasingly smaller flat screwdrivers.

I was facinated by this as a child - I would unscrew it and put it back together. At the kitchen table while my Nanny was cooking or cleaning or whatever.

I have no idea how much something like this is actually worth. But the memories associated with it are so very rich. More than that - having a friend who listens and really hears what you are saying is priceless.

Yes - there were hugs for this. There have been tears shed too.

I hope you all have that kind of friend in your life. I have been blessed to have more than just one. I try to be this kind of friend as well.

Have a wonderful day --


Lannae Johnson said...

Now, THAT is cool!

Darla said...

Surprise, I have a hammer like that. Well, maybe not JUST like it, but mine has various screw drivers in the handle - but not that little blue stopper at the end. Just a metal piece.
