My problem - I have a "real" job and it is in the way of the time I need to do the crafting I want to. Sure do wish that I was independently wealthy and could stay home and just create. I also have a family who needs some attention. All of this is in the way of this huge dream list of crafting.
Then there are some other little things too. Laundry. Beds. Vaccuuming. Dishes. Cooking. All of this is in the way.
I need a serious money IV. Then I could hire a maid and cook. A yardman. A carpenter and painter would be nice too.
I am a little desperate for an infusion of extra hours in the day too. Can anyone out there help with that?
Maybe - I can get a little bit done this weekend. I do have an appointment with the 17 year old on Sunday afternoon to work in the studio. Then play practice for the Christams progam.
I think the same person in charge of my checking account is also running my time management account. I seem to not have enough of either - time or money.
It is a good thing that I don't sit still well. The amazing thing about working in tiny bits of time - I can get a lot more done than if I just sit and watch events.
Right now - I would rather have my own craft space and the time to get it all organized and put away nicely - than anything in the world. (hope somebody reading this will eventually get the message of just how important this is to me)
I really want to know how all of you get it all done. Help.
I hope you all have a fabulous weekend.