Yes - its a box. A big wooden military ammo box. Scored at an Army Surplus Store for like 5 bucks. When I bought it, several years ago, I had no idea what I was going to do with it. I have now decided. For now, I am only going to show you the beginnings and tell you that Molly thinks this is the coolest repurpose project I have come up with.
First I scrubbed it inside and out. It was almost black on the outside from the grime in storage. The inside had become a home for dirt dobbers and wasps. So I sprayed it and then scrubbed it. Let it dry completely - there will be decopage involved - of course.
I have pondered this project on and off for weeks and talked to the "engineers" at work. These guys love to solve this kind of problem. I hit upon the solution as I saw the corks from my tequila bottles. Don't ask - I have no idea why I saved them - there are also a few wine corks as well. And a few tiny wooden spools to make up for the few more I needed. I will add corks as I have them - that sounds like a great reason to drink some more booze.
This is the final hint. There were drills and glue involved and wire cutters and clothes hangers. I will decopage the inside, but we have decided the outside needs to remain untouched. The military stenciling is pretty neat. I really cannot wait to show the final result of this one. But alas this will have to wait. I will start the collection of pages for the inside coating tonite. This one will be from an old dictionary.
MaryAnn - - I am sorry your birthday gift is late. Life got in the way of my project finishing. Keep looking the ol' postman will have it there soon.
Note - the shelf this is sitting on came with the house. There is a sink and this shelf built into the porch rail on the kitchen porch. We almost tore this off, then decided to see if we used it. It is the most used sink at my house. We hose off cleats and catcher's gear. Veggies too. I hook up the hose here for various things. I work here when the weather is good. I spray paint and spray glitter too. Kitty cats perch here often and sometimes we find those pitty paw prints with glitter on the cars. A well used sink and surface.
I hope all of you have a wonderful Monday.
Ooh, sounds very interesting!! Very anxious to see what it becomes!
It will be fun to see what it morphs into. You do such a great job.
I posted some pics on my blog of my crocheting adventures following your directions. The post before that shows some lovely pieces that my grandmother did.
Thanks so for your help, I really appreciate it.
Can't wait to see what you come up with!
I love a good mystery and glittery paws, too.
Great post. I found my ammo box last year and turned it into outdoor storage.
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