Friday, October 05, 2007

Secret Confessions

Miss MaryAnn has challenged us to 'fess up some of our secrets. I have decided to play along. Remember --- these have been secret until now.

1. I would love to host a blogger buddy retreat weekend.

2. I would love to participate in the Amazing Race.

3. I adore skinny dipping and there are several places I would love to go. And someone I would like to have join me.

4. My dream house is not big or pretentious. I would love to live on the farm at Magnolia Pearl.

5. I would love to have the courage to fully embrace the bohemian lifestyle.

6. I would love to have my own tiny little shop.

7. I think a long hot shower with a partner is the best foreplay setup I can imagine.

8. I wish for my girls to find that one person who excites them mentally, emotionally, and physically and who treats them as if they are the most important person in the world - always.

9. I wish I did not constantly worry about money.

10. I wish I knew for sure that happily ever after could be a reality, when every experience in my past tells me I am not going to have that.

11. I wish large parts of my past could be erased.

12. I wish I could forgive myself for "settling".

There you are - secret confessions.

Have a great weekend.


Ulla said...

Fab group of confessions! Behemian skinny dipping, worry free thoughts and bloglandia wishes - sounds perfect! (fyi, on my crowns I simply pinned them on with pins and used a variety of papers for the background) Thanks for your visit and for confessing to us all!

Vallen said...

I'd like to walk across that bridge!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Secrets.. you were brave to tell some on your blog, which is great by the way. Thank you so much for dropping by my blog earlier in the week.. It is great fun but I have a lot to learn about it all..enjoy the weekend and go Dawgs beat UT! Karen

Mrs. G. said...

It sounds to me like there needs to be a blogger buddy bohemian weekend with some skinny dipping, secret confessions and lots and lots of marguaritas. Lovely confessions.

Very Mary said...

And, if I can add to Mrs. G's post - NO WORRY ABOUT THE COST OF IT ALL!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading over your secret confessions :)