School softball is finished for the season. Miss Abby made the local paper in a really cute shot that she hates. They lost two last night, but still had an incredible season. Go girls. Volleyball is almost over for the season as well. Next is basketball and travel volleyball.
One more page.... if this package doesn't arrive at her house today me and the USPS are going to have a chat.
I am watching all of the huh-bub on copyright out in blogworld. This is a little unnerving for me. I look at a lot of visual eye candy. (men look at porn women - look at quilts - another discussion - another day) I am terrified that someone will think I am "copying" their work. I am inspired by so many of you and I try so hard to give credit when I am refering to a person or style as an inspiration. I carefully went back through the work I have done and tried to see if there is a level of infringment here. I don't think so and I am trying so hard to guard against it. I have so much respect for the time and energy that goes into everyone's work and I appreciate the inspiration they put out here for the world to see. I guess the real fear for me is that people will stop sharing with all of the issues that are occuring.
On to more fun. I posted a quilt sketch for a baby gift I was thinking on. Need to finish in a hurry. HELLO ----- what was I thinking. I have not had 2 hours for sitting still and piecing anything at home with the machine. So I resorted to the most portablee of crafts, crochet. I dug through all the boxes and assembled the necessary baby yarns for a blanket. This will need 42 squares and I am well on my way.
Aren't the colors fun. Yes it is in the scrappy, leftover style that my crochet has taken on. There will be an equal number of solid squares and then scrappy squares. I may have to buy two or three skeins of white to complete the edging. I have started calling these scrappy blankets - Nanny blankets. They remind me of something my nanny would have made for all of us. This is traveling with me in one of those big ziplock bags. These things are huge and handled and wonderful - well worth the 5.00 purchase price I paid for three of them.
I have Vallen's bag she sent me, but it currently is holding the cowboy quilt waiting for me to get back to it. Oh and she is hosting a virtual potluck over at her place. Go over and look at the particulars. Darla left me a comment about the surgery saying she would bring a casserole if she lived nearby. I may have to browse all of the Queen's participants and pretend that they are cooking for me.
Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend planned. The weather has cooled to a more seasonable level here.
Have a wonderful day.
I'm loving all these sneak peeks!
Very nice collage! Thank you for sharing it,
Loving your collage!
copywright is a somewhat complex and expensive legal procedure.. just because someone says something is copywrighted does not mean that it is.. no one is promoting taking someone else's idea or work or process.. we are see many things and are exposed to many ideas that inform our choices we we sit down to make something.. it understandable that people want to own what they come up with..some in the blog world may be more interested in making money than in sharing .. don't worry enjoy!
That is a very pretty collage. I love the combination of items.
I LOVE your collage...aren't vintage patterns the best collage inspiration ever? The very best part of blogging is getting inspiration and using that to create something you love...your creation is perfect!
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