Friday, December 05, 2008

My Christmas Wish List

Go ahead - click the button and watch the video.

This is a favorite video for me right now and it completely illustrates what I am seeking for Christmas. Mind you - I have paid my personal credit cards off - I don't even carry one right now. I use my debit card, cash and checks as my way of functioning. The message I want to give you is not about the credit cards, but about the "things" this lady buys in the magic store.

Now for my list

THINGS I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS (in no particular order)

1. FOCUS - I have crafters ADD. I have life ADD. I get pulled and tugged from one thing to the next and often don't even realize what I have done today. I would like to FOCUS on something and be able to be fully aware of it and the impact it is having on me right now. For example -- I want to sit in our worship services and not have the grocery list run through my head.

2. LAUGHTER - at times this year I have laughed, but often I feel as if we as a family do not laugh enough. Money is tight. Stress is prevalent. I want to hear my family laugh - I want to laugh with them. Not forced laughter - genuine "we are having fun" laughter.

3. DANCING - I love to dance. When everything is rocking merrily along, I dance because it just feels good. I want to "get my groove back". I want to have people in my life who want to dance with me too.

4. FASCINATION - watch a kid - you will understand what I'm looking for here. My girls used to watch the glass in the oven door for the cake to rise just because it was "cool". Watch an inchworm walk up a branch - that was "neat". "Shhhh listen - that's a tree frog" as the toddler gets completely quiet and listens trying to identify where the sound comes from. I want to lose "the blinders on barreling through life" feelings and be facinated by those things tiny and miraculous.

5. DOMESTICATION - okay "the maid" - aka the College Freshman - has moved on in her life. I need to figure out how to be more domestic. Funny - this should not be a Wish List item, but I have very little inclination to be domestic, so this one will just have to be a buckle down and discipline myself thang.

6. ART and CRAFT - yes it is on there. 2009 will be the year I focus on putting my work out there. I list both art and craft because I consider what I do to have elements of both. Now that MaggieGrace world is in a workable condition - its time for this statement to be made.

7. FAMILY TIMES (FRIEND TIME) - as we grow older, I become even more thankful for the blessings of my family and friends. I want (and I want those closest to me) to make family time much more of a priority than it has been.

8. BEAUTY - I look at so many blogs that feature such beauty. I am not talking about an expensive or pretentious look, just well maintained and well displayed items at home. I am listing this in conjunction with the DOMESTICATION line simply as a desire and to help me FOCUS on acheiving this look.

9. JOY - I am generally an upbeat person, but am I truly joyful in my life. I have moments of JOY and of BLISS but I have the desire to live everyday more JOYFULLY.

10. RECOGNIZING THE LOVE, BLESSINGS, and GRACE in my life. Those things are already important to me, but I really want to let the people who give me those things know just how they impact my life.

This list of intangibles could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. I am at a place where focusing on these is so much more important than a gift wrapped THING under the tree.

Come on - you guys share your intangible wish lists. It will be quite fun, and you might just find a few extra blessings in your life.

Have a wonderful day.


Carrie said...

I wish that you get everything on your list! Have a good weekend! I'm going to put up all my Christmas decorations and wash all the baby cloths my sisters had saved for me.


Very Mary said...

Pop over to my blog for a little fun - there's a giveaway!