I follow links. It's how I met most of you that I now call blog buddies. I try to share inspiring links.
And I try to share links as well.
Whimsical - beautiful - fun. A Fanciful Twist is all those things. Yesterday when I went through my Google reader feeds, I found this post about letting all aspects of your personality out. This post resonated with me in a way it would not have 6 weeks ago.
When I left home this morning, I was angry and hurt at a situation with another family associated with the Softball Princess team. My post was entirely different in my mind then. I was full of anger and that's okay. Things have occured since then that have worked on my attitude and the above link is one of them. I felt my anger, figured out why and what my true feelings are about the situation and allowed positive energy to return around me.
Then I read Mother Teresa's words over at Andrea's, and was reminded that I fired all those negative energy drainers from my life a long time ago.
I thank both of these ladies for sharing their hearts and allowing me to look into their worlds. And I want them to know that they had a very positive influence on me today.
And to the parents who have caused so much discord in our softball program -- I bid you good riddance. But I do continue to pray that one day you find peace within yourself and realize that being positive and building others up is a much better way to live.
I am traveling this weekend. Be back on Monday.
Have a great one ya'll.
1 comment:
Have a safe trip. As for sports programs of any level the kids handle things so well the Moms and Dads can be so awful.. I hope the stinkers realize how their behavior came across..all most of these types are looking for is an unfair advantage
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