Sidelined - kinda. Rolled my foot and have a strain in the soft tissue around my ankle. 5 -7 days of walking instead of running. Not serious just inconvenient. Not even painful when I walk as long as I wear my brace - but if I try to go without it or run, then I can tell it's injured. And it was stupid, I was not paying attention and stepped on something. Oh well ----

I hope you can read this - it is the wedding announcement for the Man at my Address great grandparents.

We didn't have access to a scanner on Saturday, so I took these shots with my camera. Look at the description of the luncheon above. Now look at the picture below - this is a picture of that luncheon.

Love those tall tall vases. There is a detail that most will not notice in this picture. This fancy luncheon served on the best china at a very well appointed table, features sandwiches with the crust still on the bread. The custom of trimming the crust occured after this date. Cool huh.
MaggieGrace stumbled on Using What I Have today. I was at Hobby Lobby and they have Spellbinders dies. I had a gift certificate from my birthday and a 40% off coupon, so the die did not officially cost me anything. Oh well.
See ya'll tomorrow. I have a beautiful life.
sorry about your ankle... cool wedding story what year did they get married?
Ouch! Hope you can soon do without the wrap.
Love the old photo of the wedding table decorations.
I don't know, I wouldn't count it as stumbling on the use what you have, you used a gift cert. that you had, so it counts (in my book anyway!)
I'm so sorry about your ankle...
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