This image is not mine - it is from ETSY - was researching pricing and found myself here. I like the graphics on this one and I have several old newspapers that have already been cut, so there will be some with this feel. Input on pricing please - I am thinking around 5.00 -7.00 for the journals - only the front covers are altered. Many of the ones on Etsy are front and back and start at 13 -25 dollars. Please feedback on this.....I need to sell this stuff, to pay for my habits.
I did get to the barn last night, but I am still struggling with the same journals. I made progress but am not ready for pictures. I wound up with a migraine and gave up and went to bed. My day yesterday was filled with stupid little accidents - all mine and all my fault. We are trying to gain some control over pup and I have had to swat her with a rolled up paper. In doing that yesterday morning, I managed to cut the knuckle on my middle finger of my right hand (one of those aggravating places because it bends). I then proceded to slam the utility room door on the same knuckle - leaving it swollen and bruised (insert appropriate cussing here). Then last night, AFTER giving the Man at my Address a hard time about his driving (we do not ride well together), His buddy agreed with me and I proceeded to drive home from Athens. No accident but I did miss a turn - much ribbing to take from that one. After a day filled with such stupid little incidents, I was almost scared to get sharp objects out in the barn. I did my 15 minutes and came in the house.
Softball Princess leaves today for Columbus, GA. We go down in the morning for the weekend. My list for today includes ironing dragonfly transfers onto some of those dish towels so that I have a travel project for the weekend.
Boot Camp and weight loss update - going again tonight - and I have lost 28 pounds of my 60 pound goal. I have lost a generous pants size - whoo hoo shopping in the back of the closet time. I feel so much better.
Now for the real news -- The winner of the cookbook. I took the names (only two) and put them on a coin and flipped it - literally. Congrats to Lannae. I put the book in the car - thinking I'll see her in the nex few days. But Darla - I also have a small unadvertised surprise for you as well. (please email me you address privately).
I have a beautiful life. - Hope you guys have a wonderful day.
here is my 2 cents worth... not knowing how much you have in each journal ( do you know how much each one is? this is key info) I know you will sell far more at $5 or $6 than at $13 , duh.. if you are say doubling your investment and then making a little extra at $6 I would rather sell 3 @ $6 rather than one at $12 this is tricky ... lots of people think way to highly of their stuff.. in this economy a chick will spend $5 or so without thinking about it but over $10 people will think.. at the craft fair I'd make some suggestions signs like "stocking stuffers" or little extra gifts to have on hand, etc. or put some of your things in a Christmas stocking ,,, think for people.. they don't .. and great job on weight lost.. guess this was more like my 10 cents worth :)
I'm so FIRED up about winning - I never win anything!! Had I wagered a bet, I would have put my money on Darla! :)
Okay...today has got to be better than yesterday, right?! Oh, and I'm no help on pricing. I struggle with that more than anything else. Knowing you, though, you're not going to charge enough. So, keep that in mind. Great two cents from Karen, though!
I second what Karen said. How much do you think you spent on making them? Don't forget your time is worth something too.
Yay for shopping in your closet! What a wonderful way to start the day.
Not sure what to tell you about pricing, but have these ideas:
1. You move here and do this alternative workout with me: http://www.poleplaydancestudio.com/index.html
2. If Poca wants to play, cover a journal with plain paper. Then have her step on some water-based ink pads and then step on the journal :)
Congrats on the weight loss!! I wanted you to know that you have inspired me to work on my own weight issues. (Not ready for boot camp, though!!) I don't know why, but I feel encouraged every time you post your successes!
Have a great weekend away :)
YOU rock!!! 28 pounds is awesome. Though I'm a little sad that that's about exactly what I have gained in the last six months:( You are so totally going to make your goal!!
A surprise prize for me? You are a sweety.
I don't know about pricing but here's an idea about selling. Could you possibly do something to make your journals stand out - like stamp them with the name a customer chooses? I wouldn't be too hard to take stamps and inks with you. I'm not a stamper but I think the ink dries fairly fast.
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