Monday, December 06, 2010


I did it. Yes I did. (and the note above was in my arm band)

On June 23, 2009, I started bootcamp. I didn't die.

I was scheduled to run my first 5K in May, but the kidney cancer side trip in April took that out of my schedule.

In September, I was released to start bootcamp again.

After a few weeks, I decided to sign up for my first 5K again.

Saturday - December 4, 2010, I completed my first 5K.

I was sick on Friday. I ran a fever Friday night and Saturday morning. LBF asked what I was going to do - my answer - "I'm gonna run."

This was a very big deal to me. For a lot of reasons.

I set a goal of 45 minutes. One minute for each year of my age.

And I ran. Away from being fat. Away from being sick. Away from cancer. Toward a future filled with brightness and blessings. Towards setting small goals and attaining them. Towards the discipline of completing things I set my mind to.

I ran.

There is photographic evidence. There is even a tiny glimpse of a smile on my face as I spotted the finish line. There were people cheering and yelling. The Man at my Address was there. Friends were there. College Girl's Quiet Boy was there. (he ran too - a helluva lot faster than I did)

See that tripod. That is the clock. 3.2 miles. I could see the time - actually the time was all I could focus on. That little rectangular box was telling me that I finished under my goal - 1.91 minutes under my goal. Actual time 43:09. 215 people ran - I did not finish last either. 101 of 215. not too bad.

It was a very good moment. - College Girl missed it, but her Quiet Boy called her and within seconds of finishing, she sent a text. Thanks to both of you.

Then yesterday - College Girl and I dragged ALL the Christmas stuff from the attic. I have not seen all of it in one moment for several years. Check this nightmare out.

That is a dining room full - a hodgepodge of boxes. Some partially filled - hell - some even empty, their contents having been piled in another box.

It is ugly - it is crazy chaos - it is gonna be better - soon. I am matching things up and repacking boxes like they need to be. Tis the season.

Poor Man at my Address - January will involve a complete and scary attic clean out. Anybody wanna volunteer to help with that project?????

Another note. My dear friend - MaryAnn - just completed a year of giving. That's right 365 days of giving something - EVERY DAY. Being of the mindset that positive peer pressure is a great thing. I started my 365 days of giving yesterday. Any other takers --- I'm thinking a tiny little NICE boost is just what this world needs and I can do it in a small way. Just like she did.

Deck the halls - Christmas is a coming - this goose is getting the complete opposite of FAT.

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