Hope these confessions don't bore you to tears - I love to read these kinds of things because it really let's me get to know others so much better.
Here we go - While I have a degree that qualifies me for more technical career pursuits, the local job market does not have those opportunities. The man at my address is a government contract employee and does nothing all day - so he dang well is not moving to another location to look for a "real" job. Reality - I sell toilets for a living - and some of my customers are pictured here. These people could afford very nice plumbing materials.
Dave Schools - Widespread Panic. Way cool shower system in his house. Fabulous man to work with. Super nice and unassuming in his manner - if I wasn't a fan - I would have had no idea even who he was.
All of the R.E.M. boys and several of their support staff. Mr Stipe here has the most adorable sister, a porcelain and tile artist with an incredible eye. He also has an incredible art collection that would surprise many many of their fans. These boys are smart businessmen too. They own and manage property here and are huge supporters of indie arts and small indie businesses as well. Each of them have totally different styles in their home.
John and Robin Berry - such a cute couple - great parents too. Shhh... I got to stand in the shower with him (lucky me) - too bad we were fully clothed and he was cussing about a problem created by the plumber. Sigh........ Easy to work with - I have helped them with several homes over the years.
This man is the only one I have ever been completely tongue tied with. Author Terry Kay. He is funny and stubborn and likeable - and his wife will leave you rolling in the floor - hysterically funny.
PET PEEVE #1 - I have a set of scales in the showroom and one of the guys weighs himself before going to the bathroom AND after coming out. (Look dude - I do not care if the crap you just took makes your pants fit better.) I really believe men are secretly much more vain than women.
PET PEEVE #2 - the left lane is for those going faster than you are. If you are driving 40 mph - move over. I am driving faster than you are.
PET PEEVE #3 - getting my order wrong at a drive through window. A number one combo ordered by the number just cannot be that hard to do.
There are those three just from today.
SKELETON IN MY CLOSET - I have more than one body piercing scar. There is the public one that everyone knows about and ....... seems like I had a mid-life crisis.
Now for the fun part - do you have any questions you would like for me to answer? Leave them in the comments and I will print them off and answer them as my posts for the next few.
Have a really great afternoon.
Here's something I struggle with, so I thought I would ask what you think...Do a lot of people you know in "real life" read your blog? And do you find yourself censoring your words here because of it? How do you get past worrying about it? Can't wait to hear your input! Thanks!!
Thanks for letting me know you're a survivor
I love hearing that!!
I will be one too!!
What's the sneakiest trick you've ever pulled on the man in your house?
What is a place that a beer bottle could be left in your house that would genuinely surprise you?
And I completely agree with pet peeve #2. I think using the HOV as a passing lane should be made legal.
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