grasping for comments here
I sell plumbing. That in and of itself presents challenges everyday, but I have two favorite stories from my grown up girl or real world job.
TUB FROM HELL - you know the one. She saw it on HGTV - she loved it - she wanted it. Made by Jacuzzi - no problem except that the one she saw was the non-working prototype made for the Industry Show. Well she wanted it and was willing to wait for it - tub ordered - 6 months later it is on its way.This was 1998 and some of you may remember the news stories from the time. The fog rolled in and there was a huge car crash on I10 - in Louisiana - cars burned - it was a horrible scene - as the Man at My Address and I watched the news that night, I spotted a truck on fire in the wreckage - not just any truck - a tractor trailer from the company that had the tub. I remarked - there sits my tub - and he laughed saying there's no way that truck has the tub. The next morning - there was a page from said trucking company on the fax at work -
it said "due to an unforseen shipping delay, you materials will not be delivered as scheduled. please contact the shipper for more details."
yes my tub burned on I10
I called the company and the customer - and she waited another six months for the tub to be built again. Soon after the installation - she and her husband divorced and she let him have the house and the tub.......
WORST VACATION EVER -- Nashville, TN - Family vacation in the fall with some friends of ours. The location of this vacation is not the issue - we love the area. College Freshman and Softball Princess were small and they had ridden part of the way up there with our friends. We wake up on the very first morning of the week to find College Freshman scratching her head ( she may have been six or seven years old) . I investigate said itch and find them -- critters -- head critters - yes - LICE --- I am on vacation and we have lice. I spend three days treating my car - friends car - heads of children - hubby and myself - and the hotel had to fumigate the room. Let just call this vacation off and go home --- go ahead - scratch - you know you want to.
Hope I made you laugh already ---
BIRTHDAY PARTY - does every family have a birthday story to tell?
We moved into our house on the 4th of July. Molly turned 2 in August. We were ready to share the house with family and friends in spite of the fact that a ton of stuff was not done. SO we have a Birthday Party for her. 21 people coming for the afternoon.
That morning, the Man at My Address decides that we need a new kitchen sink. I go to the store, retrieve one and a great faucet while he starts taking out the old one. About ten minutes into the project, he discovers that the existing sink is holding the countertop together. There is no way to put it back in and no way to install the new one. I come home to find this out and promptly LOSE IT. This did not help - being nuts and getting stuff ready are not a good combo. Also the meal was already in the being cooked stages - so there were dishes to deal with. The Birthday Party day from hell ended that night with me cussing and sitting in front of the bathtub on my knees washing dishes for 21 people in said tub.
I have lots more of these - drive bys - share some of yours.
Life is funnier than anything people could make up -
Have a great afternoon.
Photos are soft focus peeks at the baby shower centerpiece.
giggle, giggle, snort. My tub's getting wet......
I love your little stories!
thanks for the laughs I needed them
Great the tub one. Some people are clueless.
I do have lots of stories of mishaps and left for another time.
Love to you..e
Oh my goodness!! How funny!! I have too many to probably are two of my favorites:
1. We were on a family vacation in Salt Lake City when I was about 17 and my dad woke up, stretched, got up and started singing "It's a beautiful morning..." then stubbed his toe and the singing quickly turned to a very loud "AH SHIT!!!"
2. Growing up we had a big van. One day it was REALLY windy and my dad yelled at everyone to hold onto the doors of the van as we were all getting out. Well wouldn't you know it - he didn't hold onto his and the wind caught it and whipped it around backwards and pretty darn near folded the dang door in half!!! First thing my mom said was "Sure glad it wasn't me"....which set off a tirade of cuss words from my dad:):)
Good times, good times:)
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