Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Birthday - Mr Charles

Yesterday was The Man at My Address birthday. So a large group of our friends decided to meet at 6pm yesterday and throw him a party. Just so you know - they threw the exact same kind of party for our anniversary this past Monday ----

Last night I took pictures.

This one above is of Bryan - operating the hose from the sewer pump truck.

Not real sure who chose to show his arse. This hose is attached to a shop vac.

There were water games and mud wrestling activities. Several folks did participate.

Not real sure what those gloves are for - he is standing in 4 inches of mud and water at home plate. Damn - there's that arse again.

This was scene of the party --- this could go on for hours.

Yes -- for the third time -- this crew had to move LOTS of water off the softball field. There is no maintenance crew for this. Parents, coaches, players, all have a role. We are fortunate that one of the girls' dad owns a pumper truck business. There is no drought in our area any longer.

Tonight - we play two - hopefully we will win both and be done for a few days.

MaggieGrace has been sick. Early in the bed sniffling, sneezing, sore throat, cough, fever sick. I have avoided all contact with softball girlios - even my own - trying to keep all of them healthy for the Sate Tourney Finals next week.

Have a wonderful weekend.


ellen said...

Wow, look at all of that water.
Hope you are feeling better and on the mend. I, myself, have been very much under since emergency surgery. Yuk, but I give thanks to be here and on the mend, tho. it is s-l-o-w.
Take care.

Tipper said...

Hope his B-day was nice-even with all the mud and water. Hope you're already feeling better.

Julie Ann said...

Wow- that's a lot of water!! I hope you're feeling better soon- you take care!