Wednesday, August 11, 2010

sorry -- went mia again

Seems the summer and return to school for both girls have taken its toll on MaggieGrace goodies. Add in a serious remodel at work (that I am completely OVER insert rolled eyes here) and a room redo for the softball princess and there you have a recipe for some serious lack of maggiegrace time.

Labs yesterday. The first of 4 visits of followup on the "surprise you have kidney cancer" spring party. On Thursday there is a chest XRay. On the 17th, contrast scans of my torso. On the 24th, the actual meeting with the doctors. They know there is a stone in my remaining kidney, and that will require some sort of attention in September. What kind of attention is an unknown right now.

Anyway --- remember these. My 5.00 flea market Fred purchase.

I took them home and promptly slid them under the computer desk. Waiting for time to clean up the lot of them. Well that time presented itself last night. They were also mixed up in the slots which is bothersome to me.

Can you say nastiness and grunge? Along with a couple of 8 legged residents and several 6 legged ones too.

I dumped them on a tray. Okay - I love this picture of them all piled up. Did I say nasty? UGH.

I scrubbed out the box as well as I could - mostly just evicting critters.

Then I took handfuls of the pressed aluminum letters and dropped them in a rubbermade box with soapy water. Shake shake shake - shake your booty - Sing it with me.

That wasn't enough - so scrubbing commenced. I worked on these for almost two hours and only finished about a third of them. More tonight. I am sorting them on my dining room table. But that's ok, my family eats on the sofa (or at the ballfield) most of the time.

I did find a surprise in there - I hope there are more of these kind. I need to be the president, not the VP, of MaggieGraceWorld. One of the girls - or the man - can be second in command.

Have a great afternoon.

I have a beautiful life.

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