Over the weekend, I managed some of those dreaded tasks. I emptied the refrigerator and the freezer compartment. Oh my, I could not believe just how dirty all of that was. I went through and tossed those outdated things. Scrubbed everything. Dumped containers and washed all the redneck tupperware (butter bowls - for those not from the south). I washed several mason jars. They will be returned to my lovely mother in law for refilling. Scrubbed the tub, but before that, I did away with the 14 almost empty bottles of shampoo that had accumulated. Hauled off all that discarded stuff. It was a good thing. (hell-it was several good things.)
Warmer weather appeared over Georgia yesterday and I worked in the studio last night. (Jumping up and down with glee) See I didn't work on the studio - I worked IN the studio. Yeah baby -- it is far from finished, no lights, still a lot to be completed, but with an extension cord and a lamp, I planned and organized some bits and bobs for a very special project.
Ladies and gentlemen - that space feels so wonderful. Maybe there will be a few more warm evenings to allow some work ON the space. Getting power out there will be the next step - hanging a ceiling comes first - then the strip lights. But I can make an appearance with that extension cord. I am gonna love this place.
I did get two Lowe's gift cards for Christmas - and now have some funds to throw at the space as well. Thank you Meredith and Local Best Friend.
I hope this finds all of you having a wonderful day.
Go Maggie go!
I loved your redneck tupperware comment. Here in NM we call it Mexican tupperware and it's primarily cool whip containers:) We have two in the fridge filled with salsa from our adopted Abuela next door:) We do the same thing - wash them, maybe fill them with cookies for her and return them for a refill:)
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