Friday, January 11, 2008

Last night....

Grocery store - not horrible - not even tremendously expensive.

Service station - damn what was I thinking when I bought this big ass black truck.

Pack the food - non perishables in a box. Do not forget salt and pepper this time. Make a list of what to retreive from the fridge - tequila is important. As are candles and matches.

Pack the suitcase - I still cannot wear my jeans - not because they are too tight. The stud on the back of the button irritates my belly button incision scar from my surgery. Wondering if I am allergic to the nickle in that button. Don't forget extra craft items.

Breathe a huge sigh of relief - wash dishes - pack up the laundry basket - make sure they have quarters for the laundromat.

Start packaging my Heart for a swap - realize I want to do something different with the packaging - give up on that project.

Drool over this .....

Vintage ribbon - lots of it - in the box that was given to me on Wednesday night. Flocked satine floral ribbon. The one on the bottom is my favorite - the photo does not show the deep wine color very well and the gorgeous green flocking. This stuff is beautiful. The top in is a darker gold on the backside and ribbed velvet flocking in beige. Too fragile for a bow - but I see some collage coming.

Do the happy dance - because I am blessed with people in my life who know me well enough to give me their junk. Yup - she thought it was junk.

Bed time - thinking tomorrow will be a really long day.

12:00 Friday - I was right about it being a long day - we are hammered at work - unbelievable.

Have a great weekend.


Fete et Fleur said...

The ribbons are gorgeous. You lucky!!

Have a Great Weekend!


Felicia said...

LOL One woman's junk... :)