Thursday, August 20, 2009

this picture ain't me

Neither of these women is me. I swiped this off flicker. As always - follow the links to the original owner.

These women are smiling as they run.

Me - I am the one gritting my teeth. Oh and bitching. Whining - that too. I HATE TO RUN. I would rather lift weights any day than set off to run.

No matter that my running is more of a run/walk/try to catch my breath/almost puke thing. It does make me feel good to complete the distance set forth.

Runners high - never been there - probably never will - I'll just listen to other runners describe it and live vicariously.

I may hate every second of it ( I do hate every second of it), but every workout finds me able to go a little farther before I have to walk and catch my breath. Every workout brings me a little closer to a 13 minute mile. My legs do not scream nearly as loud later that night and the next day. I can see improvements in my stamina, strength, and running distance. Being slightly competitive in my nature - that gives me the encouragement to continue. Dropping a pants size ain't too bad either.

I was talking to the teenagers who frequent my vehicle and home about discipline. About the sense of accomplishment that comes from completing a task you hate. About how turning into the driveway to boot camp is actually the worst part of a workout for me. About allowing your brain to give you excuses and listening to them. About silencing the inner naysayer that often screams louder than the encourager is capable of.

The outcome of that little chat with three teen girls who are all athletes. Because I am old and fat, there was no way I just knew all those things (you know how stupid parents are - insert eye rolling here). But the Softball Princess was listening, because later (when her friends were not around) she let me know how proud she was that I have decided to do this, and that I am doing this in a healthy manner instead of simply starving myself to death.

Healthy eating == same price as unhealthy eating

Bootcamp workout == 5.00 per visit

Feeling a healthy response to the efforts == so worth it

Having your 16 year old recognize the effort and praise you == priceless and the best encouragement ever.

Look for me - I am bitching, moaning, complaining and whining - but by God I am running. Don't tell me you don't have time - if I can find the time in my lifestyle you can too.

Have a wonderful day.


Lannae Johnson said...

I guess the question is do you feel like these women? I was wondering if you were up to the likes of cow dodging since there has been no post since, um....Monday. But, who's counting?

Becky said...

Yay - good for you! Keep it up. I love to run and used to run in races but now I have a very bad ankle and sadly my running days are over. Now I walk.

Very Mary said...

I admit that I have time, but absolutely positively HATE to sweat.

My Arts Desire said...

This is an excellent post! You nailed it, dead center, when you spoke about discipline. I loved how you shared that with your daughter and friends.

I applaud your desire and discipline in this endeavor. Keep up the GOOD JOB for you and your health!!! said...

Good for you! and no need to smile while running, just getting out and doing it is enough to smile about afterwards!

Anonymous said...

I want to run. That is my goal. As of now, just trying to walk is problematic...barely middle age with a bad bionic knee is so depressing. I love that you say that you are bitching...but by God, I am running. That is classic and congratulations on arriving. Gina