Speaking of supposed to be......

Now the real news for the weekend. I got to kiss Liv for myself. Carrie, Dale, and Olivia came to the art market to visit with me. She is too precious. Mom had to hurry back to Atlanta to work, but maybe we can get together for dinner soon. I even had my camera, but got so sidetracked visiting, that I forgot to get it out. Thanks for coming Carrie --- kiss Liv for me.
Lessons learned from my first show -- check the wiring for the table lamps before you set the table up -- I was in shadows all day. Plan your display to be viewed from the front - the things on the side were not noticed - I think because the side was also the door to the "big room" in the show. Aside from that my experience was very positive. I made a little spending money.

The simple round tags with the leaves on them and the medium ones of the same idea - sold the best.

Spoon pendants - great sellers - I sold over half of what I took. I'll be choosing some of these to submit to some magazines as well.

This picture is horrible - but I wanted to show the bracelets as I displayed them - could have sold those insulators numerous times. Did not sell a single bracelet - that was surprising.

Spoon pendants - great sellers - I sold over half of what I took. I'll be choosing some of these to submit to some magazines as well.

This picture is horrible - but I wanted to show the bracelets as I displayed them - could have sold those insulators numerous times. Did not sell a single bracelet - that was surprising.
The composition books were popular as well -
I will do this show again if Lannae invites me.
In other news. In the last post of 2008, I stated a goal to make MaggieGrace more "public". That has taken me this year, but it is now happening. I have a piece being published (more on that once it happens). I have completed my first show and it was successful. I have been invited to speak before some groups. Today the latest news is - that I have been asked for an interview with a freelance writer locally - for an article to be published soon. This is all kind of overwhelming to me, but it was the goal and has begun to happen.
I hope this finds all of you having a wonderful day. Me -- I have a beautiful life.
Congratulations of the success at the sale. I'm sure you learned a lot as well as making some pocket money. I think it is great that you are taking Maggie Grace out to the world.
Congratulations on your booth! I was wondering how it went.
Woot! I'm so glad you did so well. don't forget I commissioned you to make me a bracelet that would fit.
I loved getting to see you and I so wish I'd had more time.
Did the craft show have a write up in the local paper? Some lady took a picture of Liv and Dale...then took their info. Did she show up in the paper? Just wondering.....
Congratulations on meeting your goal for this year! You creations are lovely. And it's so great that the creative process is one that you enjoy. It's a win-win, isn't it?
cool look at all you've done holding the charms and picking the one you want makes you want to own it cards are cute but let people paw through then pay
IF I invite you? OF COURSE I invite you! I guess this means I have it in blood?!
I've been waiting for you to post about your craft show!! :) I have comments about one of your recent posts, but I will share those with you privately! I hope you had a great time and met some new friends!! It sounds like it was wonderful catching up with your visitors!
And OMG!!!!! You're having a piece published?!?!?! YEAY!!!!! Congratulations!!! Obviously, I have never had artwork published, but just this year, I had my research published and I remember how exciting that was!! So YIPPIEEEEE!! You so deserve it!
I told you your dancer would be whisked away!!! Lol- I am sooo not surprised!
Now I have to be greedy and ask- did that sweet light blue journal with the angels find a home? (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Da8SHdLLu10/SrDlzGwlF7I/AAAAAAAAEiM/TNNQ56-iEGI/s1600-h/100_1109%5B1%5D)
Give XOXO to Poca :) Maybe she'll crochet me a winter hat! Lol!
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