Photo of the ribbon aisle at the local craft/hobby shop.
For those who left comments yesterday. Thank you so much. Ellen, I have my comments sent to my email so any that you leave I get emailed to me within just a few minutes. I do love that feature of blogger.
I am still tired and feeling a little storm ravaged. My Abby suffered a minor fracture in her ankle playing ball last night. My friends who lost their son are in a really bad way as they go through this devastating time. A 23 year old should be just really starting his life not ending it.
I am tired and suffering one of those migraines that come on as a result of fatigue and stress.
But I feel a need to expand on yesterdays thoughts.
A friend of mine said the other day that my life sure has a lot of drama. Yes it does. When you allow people into your life and your heart, you open yourself for drama. You open yourself for pain. You open yourself for being taken advantage of. You open yourself for so many things. But you also open yourself for HAPPINESS AND JOY. The people who are close to me have brought color into my world. Sometimes rich vibrant color - they make me think - they challenge me. Sometimes soft and gentle color - they support or gently guide me in the direction I should go. Some have been white - purely honest and in contrast against others. Some have been dark - bringing their shadows into the picture.
A drama has all those things in it. A visual feast. Suspense and release. Triggering emotions and action. I have choices about who participates in the drama of my life. There are those that are continually gray - negative and bringing me down - they don't need to be there. There are those who have challenges - temporary black moments - I can choose to be a bright color for them -then we complement each other effectively. Then there are those who brighten each day by choosing to bring good into the world around them. I try to be one of those colors.
At my darkest moments, my art was dark too. My home was dark. Now as I have healed some old wounds and made some positive changes, I can see the colors around me more clearly. The darkness has forced me to appreciate the light. I can see that there were good outcomes from the dark times.
News like finding out a child has died seems unbearable. For a brief time the pain is immense. But in order to have joy in my life from all my friends, I must be willing to accept some amount of pain. So yes, there is drama in my life. Drama, pain, comfort, support, challenge, joy, happiness, love, and so much more in my life. I refuse to let the bad parts keep me from the good. I will continue to open my heart to others. I choose to remain fragile, I choose to be strong enough to remain open. The joy I get from those decisions far outweighs the pain.
Thanks so much to my newfound blogger friends. You continue to add bright color to my life. I'll be back with MaggieGrace goodies.
For the time being how about using a color to describe your impression of me. I love your comments - so leave one and let me see how you define colors and emotion.
Have a wonderful day.
PS. one of our family members had her brush with fame yesterday on the rachel ray show. take off on a side trip and watch the video here. Go Kath.
I can never separate yu from the brown and pink theme. That is always how I think of you. I use so many things from those boxes that you sent. I believe you'll see one in today's post. Every time I pick one of those things up I think of you.
What is a life without all colors, shades, hues, intensities and contrasts? Colors do evoke different emotions as our emotional state evokes different colors. To be truly alive, to connect to others is "risky" and scary isn't it? What color comes to mind when a life is so restricted and protected, when we bundle on our armor in order to protect ourselves, when we are unavailable to all that life has to offer us?
If you ever get a chance to get your hands on the book Vincent van Gogh by Julius Meier-Graefe grab it. There is an absolutely wonderful passage at the end after van Gogh has died.I've read this over and over and it always brings tears to my eyes. It is about the colors from his paintings as they come in to pay tribute to him.
I wish you the company of your comforting colors, the presence of all colors which give you peace and strength...and the encouragement to continue to live your life with arms and heart open wide.
Teresa! Melissa and I just said we were thinking about you last night. I hope everything is okay. I miss you!!
Glad to hear there is more color in your life!
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