Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Years Eve

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
2009 the year winds down
The picture is from my flickr page. It is one of the pages from my friend Becky's book of encouragment.
As the year ends, I always go back through my posts and grab a few that strike me as worthy of revisiting. I am not doing the links here on the dates. Why - you ask? Most of this is for me to have all this together. You are more than welcome to go back and read in detail. I am adding the post dates to make this fairly easy to find in the archives.
I made MaggieGraceCreates a priority. To make my "alter ego" more publicly visable.
Finished my first crocheted garment ( Jan 6th)
I had my oldest child throw me a curve ball in life. (Feb 16th)
A lovely little one joined her family. (Feb 5th)
The blonde Softball Princess became a redhead (Feb 9th)
I celebrated an old couple I did not know. (March 24th)
A snowstorm shut the area down. (March 3rd)
Prepared to attend my fir art workshop ever. (April 27th)
Attended that first art workshop (May 18th)
Started on the path to regaining my health (June 23rd)
Committed to participate in my first Art Market (July 24th)
Started the overhaul of the old homeplace (July 20th)
Softball Princess turned 16 (July 9th)
My sister lost her mind. (July 6th)
Celebrated my 44th birthday. (July 14th)
College girl celebrated turning 19 (August 17th)
Added a four legged critter to the family (August 13th)
Publicity for MaggieGrace (Sept 25th)
Made what seemed like 100's of altered composition books
Softball Princess increased my stress level quite a bit by hitting the road on her own (Sept 15th)
Exhibited my first piece in a gallery show (Oct 21st)
The man at my Address celebrated his 53rd birthday (Oct 16th)
Some very good friends lost their child (Oct 14th)
MaggieGraceCreates was featured in a local paper (Nov 30)
The Art Market was a huge success (Nov 16th)
I received my best Christmas gift ever (Dec 16th)
Posted a clipboard tutorial that has resulted in more publicity (Dec 10th)
And here we are reflecting on the past year and looking at fresh calendar pages. Again a year of laughter and tears, successes and frustrations, pain and elation. A year for Family and friends. I can see in looking back that our life is so very blessed, but that we have had many trials to contend with. I am choosing to focus on the blessings and learn from the tests.
My focus on making MaggieGraceCreates a more public identity has been successful. My health has improved dramatically. I have conquered many fears and taken many first steps.
2010 promises even more growth.
I'll be posting goals for the New Year in the next few days. No resolutions for me.
Have a wonderful day.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Atkinson Christmas

Maddie -- Alli -- the back of Laura's head. (I LOVE Alli's short hair.) Yes there was an abundance of alcohol.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Icing the tree
We complete it with all the lights on. This involves one of the memories my children will have etched in their brains. Me standing on a chair - yardstick in hand. Yes--- a yardstick.

I also finished the last of the custom orders for people. These are for a local friend of mine. MaggieGrace sales are closed for the week now. Any creative works will be for my pleasure at this point - although one of the children has asked for an "urchin" to include as part of a gift.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I have been a little subdued for the last several weeks. I am pondering something that was said to me. Having a "come to Jesus meeting" with myself over my hurt feelings and not being very successful at letting this thing go. Not angry, not depressed, but hurt and my temper tantrum little girl reaction is not the right thing to do - at least I have not resorted to that.
On to brighter things. I share a ton of stories about myself, about my life and the things that happen. I share those stories here and in person. My friend Tanya remarked at BootCamp that the funniest things happen to me. Let me reassure you that I do not have "dibbs" on adventures and misadventures. Everything is about perspective. As I approach the end of an incredible year, I am reading my posts and REMEMBERING. I am remembering that it really was funny when the dog dropped a dead mole in the floor. I am remembering the pride I felt at know my daughter is part of a nationally ranked (academically) softball team. I am remembering what it felt like to cry through more than one workout as I am trying to undo years of inactivity. I am remembering the humiliation of puking on the side of the road after a particularly difficult workout. I am remembering the happy dances of success and the fears and prayers for loved ones.
I am a survivor. I looked hard things in the face and walked away with very little cynacism. I chose and choose every day to celebrate the tiniest bit of laughter. I realize the blessings of having a home I love - a family that loves one another - and the many friends that grace our path. I have a job that I love (well - most days). I have a church that feels like an extension of my home and family. I have the knowledge that I am a child of God and the grace and faith that come with that is central to my life. I have the knowing that even at my lowest and most challenging point I am not alone.
And yes - I have adventures and misadventures - and they are my stories. The stories are my life. Somedays that life is hilarious. Other days find us at the other end of the spectrum. But you know what. I am happy - I am content - I am comfortable with who I am - my life is a product of the decisions I have made and I cannot blame anyone else for that. So I choose to share the story.
hang on - this life is a wild ride - but I promise it is well worth it.
Look for it - you can find it if you really look - there are even blessings in what seem like the worst of times - and there are moments of serious laughter to be had on those good days. Share your story - write it down - then go back through it and see the blessings. You will be so glad you did.
Oh and by the way - a dead mole in the kitchen floor is FUNNY. The beer bottles on top of the TV cabinet - well they probably will still show up there as long as the Man at my Address is still there. And the cheap and homemade wooden nativity - that will be on the chest in front of the sofa - and if I have to explain it to you - you wouldn't understand.
REMEMBER - I am - and I am looking forward to a lot more living and sharing of my story.
How about you?
Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Don't Blink
Saturday evening was my family Christmas. It was the first time I had seen my sister since the July 4th weekend from you know where. I am very very worried about her. She is unhappy, she is drinking too much, she is making everyone around her unhappy, and she is feeling sorry for herself. Should I worry -- yes -- and (since I am no longer on her favorite people list) all I can do is pray.
My girls (and one boy) rode with us to the lake house. We are hardly ever all in a vehicle together. The chatter was so beautiful. We talked about counting Christmas lights. We talked about donuts at the lake (we do not have a meal for this gathering, just homemade donuts). They teased and shared and tortured that boy with us. They critiqued my choice in music. The critiqued Dad's choice in music. I could listen to that endless chatter noise forever. It touches my heart in ways I cannot describe.
I took sparklers for all the kids.
That is Cindy holding her first ever sparkler - I do hope you can see the look of wonder on that little face. She was adorable.

Poor Abby - had a terrible time lighting her sparklers.
After the gathering, we went to a local club to hear JW Hell play. Imagine our surprise when we get there to find that he has ditched the band. It was initially awkward, but after getting the scoop we settled in and enjoyed ourselves. I danced like I used to and never once thought about how "fat" I must look. 35 pounds of weight loss and some serious exercise toning have made a huge difference in my self image. 25 more pounds to go.
Huge and difficult question here.........
Do mixers have a shelf life?
Huh - you say. Well I opened this one yesterday. It was a wedding gift for me and the Man at my Address. 24 YEARS AGO. Yes - 24 years ago - actually 24 plus years ago. It still had the names of the people who gave it to us (I do not have a clue who they are.) I got two of these as gifts and kept this one.

I also spent serious crochet time on this baby blanket. But even with all my effort - the new owner of this arrived before I got it finished. Welcome Baby Collinsworth. I promise I'll get this too you super soon.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

They burrow tunnels in our yard continually.
We have a new dog.
She is primarily an indoor dog.
This is a good thing because Poca is also a digger.
I let her out this morning.
Then left the door lightly closed while I got things ready. (she can let herself back in)
I asked her what she had in her mouth, then told her to give it to me.
I wish she had not obeyed.
One digging dog dropped one ugly burrowing mole, dead and slobbered on in my kitchen floor.
The Man at my Address was already gone to work.
This is gonna be one REALLY LOVELY DAY.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
College Girl is in the house
I'll add the icicles last -- that's Mom's job. That and the untangling of the lights.

I went to bootcamp first. Came home and went to the Huddle House for an omlet for supper. Then returned home to find College Girl and her boy - Sam - ready to unpack ornaments and get on that tree. BTW -- I like having her home. Softball Princess was off visiting with her boy. All these boys........

College Girl ---- sharp intake of breath followed by "YOU FOUND IT" squealed in that high pitched voice only girls can do. The child (adult) giggled and danced and squealed and unpacked. Stopped everything she was doing to put this out on the chest in front of the sofa.

She told Sam about playing with it. We talked about why I made it. It was one of those Christmas Memories of hers that I had no idea about. Her reaction to this unlost box being "found" made me realize again how important things are to a child.

An amazing story - initially told by the angels to the shepherds. And for so many years now to all the world.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Magnet tutorial

The view of the track --- from the parking lot. I went prepared. Layers of clothing. Which we came out of when we went into the weight room. Just for the record, I am really ready to have some pretty weather. The weather induced migraine has me cranky and very irritable.

First - gather your stuff. Scissors, papers, glass marbles, magnets, TWIST AND GLUE, ornament hooks.

This last one stayed on the fridge for about 45 seconds before the College Girl grabbed it for her dorm room.
Product notes ---UHU TWIST AND GLUE has just become my go to glue for these paper to glass projects. I alos tried it on a few paper gift tags and loved it for that application as well. Thank you UHU for sending my free sample kit to review.
Now if anyone out there makes a modification style magnet, plase leave a comment and let me know.
Have a wonderful day.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Weekend Notes......
Well after an hour of trekking around and looking -- we cut that very first one I pointed at.
He cut. I dragged it out of the lot to the truck and loaded it. Yes - I can tell a huge difference in my strength this year over last year.

But bringing that baby in means that I had to deal with ..........

Me --- I fight with the untangling and bulb checking and replacing. (sorry - blogger will not let me change this orientation) I think I got the worst of this one. But it has been the job breakdown for many many years.

How sweet is this picture? Poca and Daddy.

Love the JOY one myself.

Someone will recognize the PLAY one -- The little metallic dots are for a not so little one who's name starts with "C" (the other side has the "C" on it)

And this vintage paper one -- one side says "beautiful" ---- the other side of this one says "brave".