I did crochet some last night at the basketball game. I'll post pictures soon of what I am working on, this project just stays in the truck and I never think about it. It will be a cover up blanket for a big person someday maybe.
Today I am bringing you a favorite quick meal that my family loves. Cheese Quesadillas and green stuff. How's that for a well thought out meal description.
I have a small (call it dorm sized) George Foreman grill. Love that thing. Use it all the time. Should have bought the big one, but I was really unsure about how much we would use it.
Anyway - I digress. I buy the small flour tortillas, pepper jack cheese, and extra sharp cheddar.
slice cheese - smack between two tortillas - pop in the George Foreman - quick - painless - easy.
GREENSTUFF - my concoction - the College Freshman could almost live on this stuff.
One avacado - smashed with a fork.
lemon juice
herdez slasa verde
fresh (or dried) cilantro chopped
salt to taste (I use NoSalt)
mix up til it looks like guac.
cant really call this guacamole - but it sure is a great dip for those quesadillas.

note - this picture was blantantly stolen from some recipe site.
quesdailla - green stuff - cold beer - quick dinner ------- 10 minutes max (btw - the girls drink tea or coke)
come on over. the food is not fancy here, but the environment is oh so welcoming.
Have a great day.
I am sorry...I have to admit that I snorted in laughter! I know that it is not fun to be in pain, being a person who set herself on fire (Yeah, Georgia, 1970ish ice storm) a person who had an appendectomy,and the damned gallbladder stuff..hurts like HELL.
Take care, dear person...I'll have a glass of wine or two or three for you in a canning jar.
I love fresh made, chunky guacamole. The one Mexican restaurant in town who could make a decent batch went out of biz.
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