Wednesday, January 21, 2009


This is Addie. The world revolves around her. Ask her - she will tell you this. The toddler daughter of some of our good friends. Addie is surrounded not only by the love of two great parents, but also a slew of built in sitters because she has two high school aged siblings.

My mom keeps her while mom and dad work and the rest of the family is at school. She calls my Mama "nonnie". And she told my mom that CC (thats me - i don't know why) made her mad. She adores the man at my address and is incapable of being mad at him - he bribes her by playing ball.

What made her mad?

Olivia's sweater.

Look at that face.....

That sweater was my first attempt at a garment ever. It looked so big - even for a toddler - so I asked Addie to try it on for me. She was game for this - right up until we tried to take it back.

Like all almost three year olds, she knows and uses the word "MINE' quite often.

Yup - we made her cry - not like in that "i'm pitiful" way. Nope - this escalated into a full blown terrible two temper tantrum.

The sweater is cute. The baby is cute. She was bribed with a tiny stuffed puppy - And "Chas play ball" by the the Man at my Address.

Would be nice if all hurt feelings could be cured by a stuffed pup and playing ball.

More on that statement later.

Have a great day.


Lannae Johnson said...

Love the sweater! Thanks for passing along Molly's email. She was a big help...could have some volleyball jewelry very soon!

Carrie said...

that face is priceless. I hope Olivia likes it just as much, when she grows into it.

Anonymous said...

What a precious the sweater. Have a good restful night. H & A.