Friday, January 23, 2009


One better.

My paper flowers are cute and yes I love them - but I have just been topped for cool ideas. Click that link and go "WOW" -- I did --- I am so copying this.

The picture above is from this morning. I delivered a whirlpool tub to a job and took the time to stop for this picture.

I have driven by this for years and am always amazed by the grace of this scuplture. A stone feather. It is about 20 feet tall and absolutely stunning.

How does a sculptor take such a hard and solid piece of granite and have it reflect something like this so perfectly?

Did he "see" the feather in the stone or did it reveal itself slowly?

I had a conversation with the Softball Princess last night. About cars. More specifically about what kind of car she wants. Damn how did that happen? They handed me this creature all covered with stuff and who could communicate only by crying - like yesterday - now she is picking out cars.

Have a great weekend people - no ball on Saturday - please do not call or come by - I'm gonna try to sleep in.

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