Doors - do they keep others in or out? What about you - do your doors keep you in or out?
On Saturday afternoon, the girls and I went exploring, camera in hand. I will share these photo's with you over the next few posts. I am participating in an online scavenger hunt with descriptions and I take take pictures to "fit" my interpretation of the description. First photo was described as "a red door." I knew immediately where and what I wanted to photograph. It is the door of a caboose permanently parked on a siding in Hartwell, GA. Slowly becoming more and more delapidated every day. I love the chalky appearance that the paint has taken on.
I thought about many things after these were printed. Who tried to get in? Why? Why do people DEMAND entrance into a door closed? If I closed that door on you, would I have good reason? Or did I close it just because something struck me wrong? Is this door permanently closed or do I just need some time? I pondered these thoughts a lot on Sunday afternoon.
I always though I was open - but a friend told me that I am not. That I don't share my true feelings easily. So that is something I am much more aware of. I know I am way more tolerant of others being in my space than some people are. I am even designing the studio to share with others. I have a hard time closing the door and taking time just for me. I have a hard time being still. Doing nothing. I even work on something when I watch TV. Is that because I might open a door to some deep hidden emotion that I really don't want to deal with?
Deep questions - few answers - just thoughts.
The second photo is what I chose to represent "architecture". The steeple of 1st Methodist Church in Hartwell. As I was walking back to the truck from the caboose, the sun caught the brickwork on the steeple. I am 41 years old and have driven by this church often all my life. I had never noticed the brick. I hope you will take the time to click on the picture and enlarge it, because not only is there brick, it is patterned and incredibly beautiful. Whoever took the time to make these decorative tiles had to know they would be overlooked. And yet, there they are, stunning in their detail. I doubt I will pass this church again without taking notice.
How many things, people, needs, do we overlook everyday? How many objects of beauty could we appreciate even more if we really saturated ourselves in watching more carefully? How many hands and hearts could we touch if we paid attention to others around us? How many needs could we meet if we really took the time to listen and really hear what someone is saying to us?
If you are a regular reader, you know I am focused on positive things and celebrations of even the tiniest details I encounter every day. Seeing this detail way above my head really gave me a jolt. Even though I have focused on these kinds of tiny details, I missed this. I have renewed my committment to be much more observant of the people, places and things around me.
Anybody out there want to play along? Here are 5 words/phrases. Pick as many as you would like and provide a photo on your blog. Comment here and leave your link - blogger doesn't follow you back so type out your blog address. I promise I will come and look at your details and interpretation. Maybe some of my other readers will too.
1. bold and colorful
2. smile and the world smiles back
3. new life
4. reflections
5. planes, trains, and automobiles.
Have fun and have a great day. Enjoy an outing and share your area with me.
I can't wait to do this challenge. Thanks for inviting us to join in the fun
Ooh, I want to play too! I'll start working on this right away. Thanks!
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