Thursday, October 29, 2009
The view from the doorway
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Biggest Loser Fans????
I live in reality. I get up every morning and go to work. I sit at a desk most of the day. I eat out or take my lunch. My children play sports, so after work is dedicated to being the mommy. More eating out, because either we are late and away from home - or I didn't get to the grocery store. Then there is the housework, shopping, laundry, etc. There ain't no trainer - or chef to take care of those details and push me. My mother lives alone and is slightly weak because of a stroke a few years back. To check on her takes time. Time for me --- about 38 seconds just before I go to bed at night.
Yes I craft, squeezed into a few minutes here and there. Most of my creative energy has been spent at a ball field where I can crochet between batters or at the change of an inning. Or the rotation of the serves on a volleyball court.
No, leaving home for a weightloss focus -- not in the cards and we won't even talk about the economics.
Besides - I could convince myself I just wasn't that big. Go there with me, OKAY?
Then Molly went to college and I suffered chest pains. Stress related angina - start on BP meds. Take time to do something just for myself - docs orders. So I went on an art retreat. When the photos were posted - there was no denying it any more - FAT. In my brain, that something clicked. It was time. I said it outloud to the Universe and here I am - 32 pounds lighter - seriously stronger - more stamina than I have had in years. Boot camp - other exercise - eating right - plain hard work and determination. Many tears of frustration and demons surfacing that I have dealt with as the occurred.
I started watching when this new season started. Abby was my favorite from the get go. For her - it was not just about the money - not about just losing weight. For her, it was about living again. When she and Jillian had their conversation last night about losing everything, I was right there on my sofa (eating no salt no butter popcorn) blubbering along with her. Lucky for me - the dog can't comment here about how pitiful that sight was.

Abby - you have inspired many to pick up and go on. While I cannot imagine losing everyone ( a mother's biggest fear), I can hear your message to choose to live again. I watched and saw your eyes light up as you came back to life. I saw how deep you had to dig to claw your way out of the abyss. I saw you succeed in being "in the moment" fully feeling again. I wish you all your new dreams. You are beautiful - you are magnificent - you are inspiring.
IN MY OPINION, ABBY ---- YOU WON THE BIG PRIZE even if you went home early.
Will I keep watching? Most likely, but now because I am searching for tips and tricks that I can apply to my reality and help with my weight loss and healthy lifestyle pursuits.
PS I also want to see one"two faced bitch" go home.
Have a wonderful day.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Slow slow slow at work.
Reading this book - interviews with cooks and chefs. Wonderful.
I love cookbooks. For many years, I didn't cook. I can cook, I just didn't. But I bought and continue to buy cookbooks, I drool over the pictures. I want to learn to cook better. So now that I am trying to eat better and exercise, I am cooking more and trying new things. It's all good. I am actually USING my cookbooks. New to me - new to my family - and unbelievably - a welcome break to our food budget. By shopping carefully and planning, I can minimize the impact on the check book. Eating out is expensive.
I am working in the studio A LOT getting ready for the Art Show. Don't get me wrong, I love that focus on being creative, but I am ready to slow down a little and nest a lot. To do some things in and around my house. Ready for painter to be finished and get the outside landscaping and porches done. To take everything out of the cabinets in my kitchen - get a pantry cabinet added and move things to locations that make more sense.
My girls can drive themselves places and I am home more than I have been in years. I can see now that the home we made has been a great place for raising these girls, it is just time for some "gussying up" in order to really enjoy spending time there.
Is this what "pre-empty nest syndrome" looks and feels like? Or is this quest for simplicty and prettifying a product of getting healthy and feeling more balanced. I am not sure what a true mid life crisis looks like, but if this is what its about - count me in.
Don't look for me in a cute sports car featuring a boob job and face lift - I'll be in the kitchen or the studio or sitting at that new (old) table on the front porch.
Just random babble for the day.
I have a beautiful life - I think I always did, but now I can really see it.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Weekend at a glance.....
This is Parker and Hannah. Just so you know - when Parker puts this costume on he "becomes" the Joker. Hannah managed with lots of help to pull off the 80's "big hair" (Jennifer - clickable and in this case I kinda like the "red eye" on Hannah.)
I know Jennifer is exhausted. It was a good night though.
These. Coffee stir sticks. The phrases from Fidays post are associated with these. No MaryAnn, I am not delusional. It is correct Jennifer, I did not whisper any of these to you (or anyone else) this weekend.
How about singles - and then let everyone pick an assortment. Feedback here please. I did ask several local people their thoughts just can't decide.
Friday, October 23, 2009
COME BACK TO BED i've got something for you
MEET ME IN THE SHOWER i'll scrub your back
Hmm....... wonder what I have up my sleeve?????
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
MaggieGrace is back.
Isn't that drapery fabric in the back fabulous. It is a sample fabric and has all the tags still on it. Cotton sateen -love love love.
When I went in to eat dinner - cooked by the Man at my Address - I told him that I was making some amazing things last night. The two above are what I was refering to as amazing. I bought a grab bag of charms from Fire Mountain and the charms designed these.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tiny Dancer

Her base is a star inlaid with a portion of a world map. You have seen bits of her being put together all along.

When I finished her. I knew I had nailed what I was going for. My heart beat faster. She takes my breath away.
Monday, October 19, 2009
I got nothin'
That red (pink) is a strange novelty yarn. It is by Manetto Hill Yarnery (Aruba in color 162) It looks like strips of diaper liner with little strings attached. It's interesting and I have no idea where I got it or why. I'll try to get a better picture of the yarn because I cannot find anything on the internet about it.
It was a tough weekend in MaggieGraceWorld. I was puny most of the weekend so nothing got done for the Art Show. Rain on Saturday was not predicted by the weather people. Going to a funeral for a friend's 26 year old son was incredibly difficult. That and a trip to the grocery store were about all I could accomplish. I did nap and rest a whole bunch. I do feel better , still no energy and I have a sore lymph node in my groin area that is trying to fight off whatever infection this is.
Tonite - boot camp (i'll take it easy) then beef stew that I left in the crockpot this morning - then MaggieGrace World time.
Have a great afternoon.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Happy Birthday - Mr Charles
Last night I took pictures.
This one above is of Bryan - operating the hose from the sewer pump truck.
Not real sure who chose to show his arse. This hose is attached to a shop vac.
There were water games and mud wrestling activities. Several folks did participate.
Not real sure what those gloves are for - he is standing in 4 inches of mud and water at home plate. Damn - there's that arse again.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Please Pray
Travelle Heard, older brother of one of the players, was killed in a motorcycle accident. He has been deployed with the Navy and had just arrived back on base in Virginia Beach yesterday. It is our understanding that the military is meeting with the family this morning to go over details.
Please lift up our dear friends as they deal with this tragic loss. Tim, Rochelle, Timia and TJ Skelton are loved by so many of us. Travelle was Rochelle's oldest son. He also leaves behind a young child of his own, Trey.
If you would like to leave comments, I will forward them on.
Have a blessed day. Connect with someone you love. It's important.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
College Girl
She took over my studio and painted this bigger piece for the Penumbra Show. We are involved in this show because the Morman Boy's mom is the organizer of it. Anyway Jennifer has tried to get Molly to create a work for the show and she finally relented. I love this - it is a larger version of the one she painted for me back at Christmas. The sunrise or sunset glow at the bottom is stunning to me. Would it be wrong of me to purchase this just cause I like it??
Then she asked me to help her with her church project. She works with the younger girls and they are learning to sew. They picked out an A-Line skirt pattern for this beginning class. Already some valuable lessons are being learned.
College Girl is a size 6 really long jeans. But this pattern runs small. She bought a size 10 and we had to add to the measurements to make it fit my missy. I showed her how to do that and where and we cut out fabric.
It actually fits really well. We will be working on the hand stuff tonight. Hook/eye and hemming. Then she wants to put a skinny black velvet ribbon around the bottom. Not too bad for a very first garment.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sparkle the wonder dog!!!!!
Oh well - she is only three months old and is learning how to behave a little more each day. She sure is pretty. If you look closely right now, she sparkles. So do I. So does the floor in the studio, the counter too, the path to the house and the floor there as well. Why sparkles???
After deburring - I polished and polished. Starting by hand and then working with the dremel polishing kit. Ending by hand washing them and letting them air dry.
Some of these were almost black with tarnish when I started. You can see how filthy my hands are after working with the polish in this picture.
Friday, October 09, 2009
Friday --- thank the good Lord
I have a migraine this morning - another headache - since mine are triggered by changes in barometric pressure all of the rain we are getting in the southeast of late is killing me. I am irritable and just plain bitchy, because I am tired of having said headaches.
To answer Carrie's softball question -- yes Abby can be an easy out. She hits the ball and puts in play effortlessly, but more than likely the ball will be an infield playable ball. AKA --- easy out.
And no -- this collage is not a dragon fly.
Here is what emerged.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Man - I slept great
I had both my chickies home in the nest and it was wonderful. I snuggled into my bed, knowing that all was right in my world.
The photo above is the first step in my Penumbra project. The name of this one should give you an idea of where I am headed. This one will be called "the world was her stage". Penumbra is derived from two Latin words meaning almost shadow and I have had this sihouette idea for a long time. The shape is covered with cancelled postage stamps from many countries and I have an idea to cover the back. I'll trim this tonight and show you tomorrow what the silhouette shape is. My favorite stamp is almost dead center - the orange floral one and I have a few more to put into some soldered charms.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Warning - time wasters ahead Personally, I'm thinking the Man at my Address might just be able to pull this one off.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Is it Sellable?
I wore the cross collaged spoon to the funeral home last night. So many people stopped me to ask about it. I have 5 or 6 more of the laser cut crosses so there will be more of those.
Because the process of making these bracelets and pendants is just not very photogenic, I have odd photos today. Here is the stash of silverware. Highly organized - not even. I just dump them out and match them up. Some I buy as pairs - some as singles - it is amazing how often singles find mates in this bucket. I also have used similar pairs as mates.
The ones on the lower left are larger - from serving pieces. I have a request for a slightly larger bracelet.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Good Monday Morning
We had a fabulous time. I love talking to all the vendors and seeing the true handcrafted items of a juried show. It was a beautiful day for a mountain drive too. A little early for the fall color, but still a great day.
Out of respect for the vendors, I have no pictures. But I will say the day was well worth the time and effort it took to get there. Funny the last mile took more time than the 25 mile drive over the mountain from Helen, Ga to Hiawassee, Ga. It would seem that the turnout for the Festival was beyond expectations.
I did get in some studio time on Sunday.
More tags - some beaded earrings - round out my creations.
Tonight will find me cutting handles off vintage tableware. Just gruntwork, but still necessary. I'll also be starting a larger collage piece.
Have a wonderful day.
Friday, October 02, 2009
Day two - October -
Using the above image from here (Dawn's place again) and a few other items taken from the stash. I created a very useful item last night. I also polished some spoons. I'm posting this project because the act of spoon polishing is so photo worthy LOL.
This was an easy project. I took a massive flour sack towel that I ran across at a Fred's Discount Store in a pack of 5 and added to the stash.
My Dritz transfer pencil. I love these pencils. I get mine at JoAnns, but I need to watch the Hobby Lobby sales ads to see when they are on sale.
I printed the image off my word processor onto basic plain old paper using the import grahics function and sizing the image like I wanted it. Using my high tech light box - aka my glass studio door and masking tape - I traced the outlines using the transfer pencil.
Flip the image over on the corner of the towel and iron the lines on.
Stash floss and an hour of Grey's Anatomy.
Here is the result.
Two cute little acorns on a flour sack towel. These go with the dragonfly towels for the inventory. More of these to come.
As you repeatedly use the transfer made with the pencil, the image will get lighter. Just go over the lines again with the pencil. Did I mention that I love that pencil????
Also you really should spend some time going back through Dawn's Archives. She has a beautiful blog, full of inspirations, full of linky love, and full of downloadable images.
Have a great weekend.
PS - the ankle injury is improving quickly - I'll be back at Boot camp on Monday and will try to squeeze a couple of walks in this weekend.