Then I refused to buy clothes that make me look older. My girls help me to some degree. You know the look - that includes rolled eyes and snarled lips, upturned noses, that indicates "OMG you are not gonna wear that???" I am required to dress appropriately at work. That means no really out there attire. I definitely cannot pull off that June Cleaver vintage Mom look.
I am fighting the idea of being middle aged with a fury. However .... my body is not cooperating.
Senario - I am in my gyn office and he brings up a wonderful idea. We are not having any more children - so the Novasure procedure will offer me the convenience of no more monthly interruptions. I am like "where do I sign up?" Start with a biopsy - mild discomfort is how a doctor describes - "holy S*&* that hurts. Then a sonohysteriogram - not as much discomfort -but cleary more inconvenient for the evening. (all that saline has to come back out) And the results are .... a fibroid tumor larger than 1/2 of a single serving soda. No longer a candidate for the original procedure. No - I will be having the old lady "H" surgery. Yes a hysterectomy is required, which they will do laproscopy style. LOVELY......
So I will be spending some time at home soon - recovering from a major surgery.
Oh well - maybe I will feel well enough to get lots of crafting done. The result - I have pulled out of the fall festival sales booth. I will continue with the list of inventory and maybe sell some here. Right now I have no idea.
Loving this 1 inch origami flower. I picked this up from a tutorial somewhere online. There will be more of these. Take off over here and take a look---- origami flower
Funny story from yesterday - I waited at the dr office for a LOOONNNGG time. There was a young hispanic man there with a small child. The child was fretful and fussy and wanted his madre. When my girls small I used to do string games with them to distract then from the bad attitude, so I made a loop from the thread I was crocheting with and started with the string game distraction. The little boy eventually came closer and played with me - giggling - Now I speak NO spanish at all but this was without barriers. He was intriqued and now happy - daddy could relax and I was having fun. The little boy reached into his pocket and handed me a quarter and asked to buy the string - interpreted by his daddy. I handed him the string and the quarter back - his dad explained "Gift" to the little boy and a huge gracias was my payment. When mommy finally emerged he dragged her over and kept saying a phrase - the interpretation - "this lady gave me a magic string." How adorable.
Have a wonderful long weekend everyone. Maybe you will find a little "magic" for your life too.
welcome to the club. You'll never look back
You're not THAT old - still only 18 years older than I am. :)
And I did actually have a Pop Tart for breakfast this morning. Miss you - come to ATL some time.
OH man - that sucks. My best friend had to have a hysterectomy when we were 29...but she kept her ovaries so she doesn't have to take estrogen. I wish I could fly over there and fill your freezer with lots of good food and spend long days crafting with you. Please keep us posted.
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