I was going through my daily reads and Ellia tagged her visitors to list 10 things they do when not creating art.
Now this was difficult to do because as a working mother there are 100's of things I have to do everyday before, during, and after I am creating. I have narrowed my list down to things I have the words to expand on today.
1. NAP - when Abby was a baby, she had a spell of not sleeping at night. By a spell, I'm talking from 8 months to 18 months where she slept about an hour a night. She was not crying, she did not take naps during the day, she just did not need sleep. All of you mothers know that means you are at least somewhat awake too. So on Sunday after church, we would go to my in-laws and eat, then she would watch the girls while I took a nap. Thank you Ann for keeping me sane. Now that they are old enough to keep themselves occupied, I generally lie down and NAP for a while on Sunday afternoon. This, my friends is luxury, and I enjoy every moment.
2. Volleyball Stats - This is new for me. I have crafted my way through so many sporting events and this adjustment is going to be difficult, but I have been asked to keep the stats for Molly's volleyball team. There will be no more crafting during the games and I think mourning this loss is in order.
3. Drive - We live in a commuter county. By that, I mean that almost everyone drives somewhere else to work. Me included. I drive 25 minutes ech way to work. The closest decent grocery store is 20 minutes away. I think we may have the most active girls around and I drive one while dad drives the other. This will soon be changing as my oldest will be driving herself soon. But then, instead of driving, I will have a new occupation --- worrying.
4. Work - I sell plumbing (yep- toilets and sinks and faucets) - according to best friend, that should have a four letter word attached to it. I keep house (sporadically). I attempt to cook (occasionally). You know all things that you have to do to make sure life continues with some reliability.
5. I direct a youth choir. I almost left this out because it might be considered "art". But, then I decided that dealing with the attitudes of 15-20 teenagers, trying to coax something tolerable from their mouths, trying to keep the urge to scream at bay, and other such things keeps this from being a truely creative endeavor.
6. Enjoy good food and drink - I do enjoy great food and a glass of wine. My favorite set up for this. Autumn weather - cool nights - a fire - a glass of wine - a filling meal - entertaining or thought provoking conversation with someone I respect. Mmmmmm. perfect.
7. Read your blogs - I love the thought and inspiration that comes from this activity. It never ceases to amaze me.
8. Paint my nails. In the summer always painted toenails, because sandals and flip-flops are required attire. I may not have my fingernails done, but the toes are.
9. Help with homework. This has, for some reason, always been mom's job. Not sure how that happened.
10. Read. I love to read. Magazines, books, the Bible, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, instructions, I even read the inserts from my CD's. My mom use to say "give her a book and she could be left anywhere and not get in trouble. " I sure would have a lot more money if this was not a passion I have.
There - you have it - some more randomness about me. Now its your turn. Let me know 10 things about yourself.
Day 14 of using what I have. I did pick up a magazine at the gorcery store last night - but I put it back and patted myself on the back for having enough willpower to do so. Is anybody out there???
I hope you are having a beautiful day.
1 comment:
ohhh wonderful!!!! thanks so much for sharing your jampacked days!!!
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