These are but two of my idea books. A journal of sorts. A way to keep clippings, sketches, quotes, anything I find inspirational together. I have a rolling file cart of folders as well. But this size book is perfect to carry with me.
As I see things, I add them. Quotes are written in. Sometmes I leave blank pages for just those. There are pages of my sketches, there are lists of things I want to try, there is art that I did just for ME. There are cards and notes from friends.
The first picture is a word collage. It's in one of these books. I am inspired often by the images words bring to my mind. This collage is a life word representation. I made this one night when things were scrambled in my brain and I needed to organize them. So with a circle punch, decorative papers, xyron sticker maker, and ink pen as my tools, this is the result. Few tools, simple tools, easy to do. There are words that represent place, emotion, action, challenge, and others on this. I come back to this page often. I love the colors. I love the busy feeling it gives. It is representative of my lifestyle. I was happy and relaxed working on this. I never intended to share it with anyone. I made it for me. But I chose to share it because it was part of an inspirational gift I am working on.
I have so many ideas for projects and I needed a way to hang onto them. These books help with that. These are not a record of what I have done, only a record of inspired moments. Funny, sometimes I go back and see that I really wasn't so inspired, that always makes me laugh.
I have found this to be a journal of sorts, too. There is a record of babies on the way, of marriages, of losses, of friendships, because the captions read like this, "Nancy is having a girl. This would be fun to make for her." or "Maybe I could use that for a memorial piece for Diane's mom." " Miss Mazelle would like that, I can take it to her house when she comes home from chemo." Do all of these things happen - no. But the moment is recorded, and I find that once written down - some action will occur.
Why this post today? I spent last night going through a few of these books. I was looking for a "SPARK". I found it too and I hope the one who receives this very simple affirmation from me, will understand that although simple, the thoughts are very important to me for them. I will post a photo later because said person is a blog reader and I don't want to be found out. Monetarily this will be next to nothing, but emotionally I hope it helps through a tough time.
How to you keep your ideas together? Do you keep any kind of journal? Are you touched by simple and yet profound gifts? Do you feel comfortable giving those kinds of gifts? There was a time when I was uncomfortable - but I have come to understand that life's biggest gifts are not about money - its about time and willingness to reach out. Its about giving of yourself in any way you can.
I am wishing you a beautiful day.
Day 22 of using what I have - I actually went throught the crafts section of a large department store last night and never slowed down. Yea me.
I keep my inspiration all over the place because if it was JUST in my brain, I'd forget it! I have a list on my bulletin board, a file of pictures on my computer, and a 3-ring binder of magazine clip outs slipped into page protectors. I always like to see what other people do, though. I like it that you can take your journal with you. Maybe when my kids are older and I don't have so much stuff to lug around already, it might be an option for me. :o)
One of my favorite christmas gifts ever received from my hubby was from the dollar store. My friend once said that she would rather be too generous than regret not being generous enough later. That really has stuck with me. You're right - it's not about the $$, but the gift.
Hi Theresa,
I did actually drop by here when looking up your contact details. I am very impressed with your ideas book - love the little ideas bubbles. I think that, if you don't mind, I will suggest it to my Design & Technology students as a way of brainstorming.
Looking forward to seeing the challenge that you have sent me.
Teresa...i wish I could be as a profound writer as you are. I always enjoy your posts...they make me really think. I keep my ideas in a binder but it's not portable. And yes, I love gifts from the heart...simple, homemade and whatever it may be, they mean more to me. I am wishing a beautiful day right back at ya :o)
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