This is the top of the cabinet by the kitchen door. How horribly embarassing. Lisa at monkey brains has started a "piles" theme and I saw this as I was leaving the house and thought I would add it. There's a guarantee about this spot. If I clean it up - within nanoseconds, someone has laid something down again.
This is immediately by the door that everyone uses so its the drop off point.
I look at all the blogs out there, there are so many creative and inspiring sites, and I wonder. I wonder if everyone has spots like these in their home. Spots of clutter. Or am I the only one who seems unable to keep the house spotless and everything else completed? The sad thing about this spot - we don't even see it. It just background noise in our day. If I straighten it and put things away, then I am asked "where's my" or "mom, have you seen".
I will post a picture of this as a neat clean spot. But mind you, it will be a temporary thing. We have several spots like these at the house. Check this list.
1. by the door
2. dishes in the sink
3. shoes in front of the tv cabinet ( somethimes 8-10 pair)
4. laundry "piles" on the day bed
5. my crafty "stuff" on the island between the living and dining room.
6. The man's stuff by (and on) the microwave.
If anyone still comes by here to visit MaggieGrace, please leave a comment with your clutter spots - on Monday, August 21, I will draw two names and send you a surprise -
I sure do hope you have a beautiful day.
EVERYBODY has these spots. Ours are on the counter by the microwave, right inside the front door (shoes!) and on the worktable in my office, which I rarely can work on!
We have such "dump" spots and we have 2 big parties a year to motivate my husband to clean up. Mind you I get in trouble regularly as I transfer his piles from the marble top into a box because I can't stand it in between party times. Ah well we live in our homes not in a Pottery Barn Catalog!
alicia a and carolyn both get a freebie prize. I will drop them in the mail on tuesday.
thanks for stopping by and i do hope you will visit again soon.
Our dump spots are the rule instead of the exception in our house. Sometimes it makes me nuts and other times I can accept it as the reality of life with a toddler and sometimes I can be honest enough to admit it was like this even before we had a child. We dump our shoes as we enter the house (my husband finally put a basket there for them to go into--he's the neat one, not me!) we dump on our dining room table, on top of my toddler's play kitchen. . .this list could go on and on!! When I want to take a picture for my site, I usually have to clear a spot.
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