The only one, it seems, to be ready for the changes is Miss Abby. She even seems excited. They share a room and she is mentally redecorating their room for just her. Both are requesting a wardrobe expansion because they share so many clothes.
This week is the beginning of the end of the High School career for Molly. Last night was the Ministerial Banquet / Baccalaureate service. Saturday night is prom. Then awards night - Senior Skip day - yearbook signing day - graduation is only 18 days away. Busy busy busy.
Add to all of this flurry of activity- activities for mom and family- womanless beauty pagent - relay for life - soccer banquet - slime time fun night. Busy busy busy.
Abby has softball in the equation too. - Those all day tournaments take it out of everyone. MaggieGrace is taking a back seat for a few weeks. There will be some creativity - tonight is a "paying job" - making drawstring waist poodle skirts for a theater production.
We are all changing - adapting. The circles of life will continue to ripple outward. Molly has a job interview tonight for her very frst "real" job. She is more than a little nervous - will ya'll please lift her up as she takes this really big grown up step.
MaggieGrace will be squeezing in some things - I need to or I am going to lose my mind.
The photos in this post are modifications of the color one at the top. I used picnik to make these modifications and then saved them to my flickr account. Both of these services are free. I'll be using these - printed on fabric (thank you Vallen) for an art quilt series.
Have a wonderful day.
So much going on with your girls, so exciting, so many wonderful memories will be made.
That's creative enough!
Hugs! It's all scary fun, those changes. I'm excited for Molly and sad for you. I find it hard to believe that it's been 12 years since I finished college.
What a busy time!! We remember all those times; so thankful for each memory. You all are making good memories. Molly will do well in the job interview. H & A.
oh, the places you'll go!!! Change is hard but it can sure be exciting. So many new experiences to come.
Bittersweet, to be sure!
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