Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Last night was a tough night. Things that sent me huge steps backwards. Things that had me retreat to bed early to ponder and cry. (Please everyone - lift up my BIL as he is struggling in his fight with cancer - if you will please take the time to leave a prayer or encouraging word over at his place).

I picked up a book that I have read before. Alexandra Stoddard's Living a Beautiful Life is one of those lifestyle books that is light reading for me. I encountered her writing when I found her tiny book full of Grace Notes and now own many of her books. Anyway - I was in the mood for some lighthearted reading and what do you know. I spied one of the most profound thoughts in the first few minutes. Funny how God sends little notes - just when you need to hear them - using many forms of communication.

The quote from Eleanor Brown says

"Life is too short for you to be the caretaker of the wrong details."

See I worry about this. I worry about that. I worry about others. I worry about me. I love hard and deeply and am affected by stresses often. (The van above was parked across from me yesterday and I snapped this through the window. I have no idea what the stuff on the top is supposed to be) I was fearful of sending my art into the world and there it was - art that I don't understand and he was driving it around boldly proclaiming his art statement.

People were discussing it - some were intrigued. Some were disgusted - it was made of trash after all. Everyone noticed. Local best friend encouraged me. With words like - your art may not appeal to everyone, but it will to someone. And then asked - why I was afraid.

He does this often - forcing me into saying out loud what the fears are. Or why I feel like I do. (Thank you, master - for making me be completely honest with myself) My fears -- What if no one likes it? What if someone says something negative? What if my stuff is not as good as others? What if the magazine doesn't publish my piece?

Then the all important question Local BF asks - What if all those things happen - would you still do it?

Details - yes I would. Why am I caretaking those fears - that's a wrong detail. Did you notice the weeds in the picture above or just that lovely iris bloom?

Details - will it stop me from sending it out into the world? Not even - I'll ignore those what if's - because I am happy when I am creating - it really isn't about them it's about me. Which part of the flower above is the best? The full bloom - it will die off almost immediately - the prtially open bloom - not even at it's full potential yet - the bud - will it be as pretty as the others - maybe not - but maybe even better - the leaves - not really all that showy, but oh so important for feeding this entire plant - maybe the roots - holding on, supporting, pushing the growth of this plant? Not one of those is more important than the others. Someone appreciates and identifies with each part.

Do you see the withered bloom here? Details -- I am really trying hard to be the caretaker of the right ones. I'll be cutting some of these iris for my desk too. That -- my friends is one of the best and beautiful details of the spring. Find a beautiful detail to celebrate - hopefully your mind will be too busy celebrating to focus on the wrong details.

Iris photos from around the pecan tree in my back yard.

Have a wonderful day......


Anonymous said...

Oh, Teresa! Peace and strength and courage to you, my friend. Yes, celebrate the beautiful. And prayers for your BIL.

Carrie said...

Hugs and prayers for you and your BIL. I'm so proud of you for putting your art piece in the mail. I can't wait to see it in person!

Linda Jo said...

I love that quote about the details. Your BIL is in my prayers...I'll visit his site. Love the flower pics.