Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Peeks and Plans

If you could see my house right now, you would run - screaming- from the neighborhood. The living room and dining room are one huge room and since the studio is not finished, the dining room is craft and storage central. Molly is creating scrapbook pages. Abby's ball equipment is spread everywhere. Add my creative endeavors and then a thrifting run and a fabric outlet run. Crap is stacked everywhere. And we are not at home enough to spend quality dust bunny control time on it. Scary stuff.

So what is a creative soul to do when the workspace gets completely out of control. Move to another room --- right!!!! Both of these projects are on the kitchen counter. I don't cook much so why not. Last night I worked on my tags for Raesha's tag swap I am in. Stamps and embossing and tissue paper and glue. Another intense night of creation - a little Sizzix work and they will be complete and ready to send. As I worked on those, I noticed that I had run away from the dining room already this week.

The fabrics above are on the island. A Kaufman "Happy Trails" novelty print - love this fabric and the blue cotton that was my sole reason for the trip to the fabric warehouse. This is the reminder stack for a "cowboy" baby quilt. I am desperately trying to not start it, because I am so excited about it and I know it will take over and be the only thing I work on and there are other things I need to finish.

One of those things is sneak peeked here. I don't think the recipient is a regular reader, but just in case she happens by, I do not want to give it all away. Now take a look at these two pictures and tell me, do these things happen by accident. Blues and browns - I did not even realize I was leaning toward this in my work right now, but there you have it. Another WIP is for the Christmas in Progress list - and it has these colors too.
About color - I am leaning heavily on the truck tarp tan for the studio walls. Soft and neutral - it will play well with so much of my stuff. Now if I could just get that man to wire the building so we can finish the walls - any cajoling ideas folks???
I am getting ready to be out of town this weekend. Hopefully I will get some crafting time in too. We'll see.
I do hope you all have a fantastically beautiful day.

1 comment:

Raesha D said...

WOW! That cowboy fabric is awesome:):)