The doorknob bouquet is made from doorknobs we removed from our house. We took down several walls and closed in some outside doors in the renovation process and these are the knobs from those doors. All of the other original doors have hardware very similar to these. The brown bronze one on the left is my favorite - it has a date scratched into it in a very childish fashion - I wonder about the significance of that date.
The green bench on the left has its own feature publication in the future. This is a great story and I want it to be a stand alone post.
And now .....
Take cover ......
Prepare to run if an avalanche starts.......
I'll open the doors and let you into the dirty little secret of this cabinet.......
Here we go...
Holy crap what is in there. I really don't have a clue. It has been years since I saw some of this stuff. But there will be purging and giving away and selling in the near future. Get ready blogger buddies. I have been really weak in the past about buying things and I am going to bless you guys with some of the results. Remember - this is only one cabinet of several that are packed just like this.
The plus - I completed VBS crafts with 10.00 worth of supply purchases. I had to have 10 bags of cotton balls. The church bought the balloons and the windchimes and I had all the other supplies I needed except for cotton balls. I do hope you have enjoyed this glimpse of an area behind closed doors at my house.
Have a wonderful day. I challenge you to let us peek into your secrets too.
I have an old Singer in its original base with drawers. Mine is electric but pretty old. The machine drops down into a well and the top folds over. My friend has an older treadle machine where the top is like a box that fits over the machine. Your machine looks like an older one to me.
Thanks for popping by my blog and for your sweet seeing the inside of your craft cabinet...I have an entire room that looks like that! Egads!
I bet there's a treasure trove in that cabinet! I bet you're going to have fun going through it all :)
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