Good morning all. Graduation accomplished. Lots of food family and fun for the weekend. Also lots of MaggieGrace work accomplished. Because of how blogger loads pictures, I'll be starting with MaggieGrace goodies.
Months ago,
MaryAnn found a source for these lovely printer trays. I bought several and have them all over my barn. This one was not really sturdy enough to hang on the wall. I have collected Scrabble games at yard sales and had several boxes stacked up. So yesterday while I was working in the studio, I sorted all my letter tiles into this tray. Fun stuff.

I also finished the
cigar divider artwork. Finished it last night, sorry the picture is shadowed. It was way late. I like this now that it is finished. I mounted it on a canvas that I painted dark copper, then covered with mulberry paper scraps. The vellum at the bottom is from the same box as the wood and the cigar band at the top was in a box of paper scrap I have accumulated over time. The edge is copper foil tape normally used in stained glass work. The heart that I have chosen to appear in all of my art is here too.

You remember
the box I got at the store closing sale. These items were in it. These two have been embellished. Of course give a crafter access to anything with a way to attach stuff and she will attach stuff. Just for the fun of it.

I finished the wire frame and hung it yesterday in the studio. There is still a lot of work to accomplish but we are headed in the right direction. Just to give you an idea of the frame size, the wire mesh insert was 24 inches by 36 inches.

See blogger and loading pictures - just when I think I understand, it des something screwy.

Old fashioned wave clips. (and they are embossed with the phrase made in the USA) from that
I added a paper clip hook through the hole.
And hung them on the wire frame. The entire frame will be covered with various clips and inspiring items that I have accumulated. Cards and notes from my friends. What do you think about this crazy idea? The man at my address thought I had lost my mind.
I also finished the dorm room blanket - I'll have a picture of it spread on Mollys bed tomorrow.
Now graduation pictures. They asked for no flash so many of these are dark.

I look like my mom.
Molly was the very first speaker. She was a nervous wreck. She need not have been, she did a fabulous job. She speaks clearly and does not rush, skills she will use again and again in her life.
Sisters celebrating. God I love these girls.
Proud Daddy. He brought her flowers and in an unusual display of public affection told her in front of everyone how much he loved her and how proud he was of her. The words she longs to hear more often.
Saturday night we joined friends and partied these two best friends. Low country boil, swimming pool time, lots of laughter, a few tears, a ton of love and support, a celebration of a milestone for these two. Apparently icing makeup is the new fun trend.
Brittany is off to LaGrange College this fall and Molly is off to Piedmont College. Here's hoping the friendship will continue to prosper. We all need these kinds of friends in our life.
I wasn't ready for it - she grew up anyway. Now we just make our way through the next phases, the best way we can. Taking one moment at a time. Praying our way into and through the decisions of life. Choosing to love - choosing to stay the course - choosing to let her fly and watching her soar into success.
Have a wonderful Tuesday.