Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Giveaway - --- not mine.

My buddy Lannae is new to blogging, but has already decided to host a giveaway. She is going to draw a name on Friday for these wonderful birdie earrings. While you are at it - take a look at her entire blog - her hubby is a fantastic photographer. And those two absolutely adorable boys. They are on my blessing list.

Vallen is also hosting giveaways - part of her blog birthday celebration - so cruise over for color and kitch and fun and food - leave a comment there too. She is one of my earliest blog buddies and I love this lady so much.

Today - I am choosing to celebrate bloggers by recognizing some facts that I have learned through this medium.

1. These are some of the most talented people in the world.

2. Kindness is not dead. Evil has not won. Respect still exists. These people are NICE. Not just in their written and illustrated worlds - the bloggers I know personally are pretty much the same as they appear in their cyber world.

3. Generosity is a way of life for MOST of these people. They share their stuff. They share their inspirations. They share wisdom and advise. They regularly reach out for others.

4. Writing styles vary. Some are timid at first - but the encouragement of fellow bloggers is enabling for all. I go back and read my first several posts, then I realize how the comments I received and the encouragement from all over the world has allowed me to grow and change and find this circle of friends I never would have in my life with out this medium.

5. I don't know how to descibe the support these people share. A need is presented, then all of a sudden people are praying, creating, sharing, helping, loving each other. I am not one of the stars of blogging -- but my experience has been the same as Corey's - when I have expressed a need you have responded. Amazing.

Everyday - I get to sit down and visit with smart, vibrant, creative, kind, wonderful people. How Beautiful is that.

Friendship is a gift - thank you for allowing me to call you all friends.

Have a wonderful day --- don't forget to go see my friends.


Lannae Johnson said...

Thanks for the boost, Teresa! I also love your comments about blogging. I am happy to be a part of the family. You're the best!

Queenly Things said...

Well, you are a star in my sky.

Darla said...

Having met The Queen, I can tell you she is just as delightful in person as she is on her blog.

I'll go visit Lannae now. If she's your blogging buddy I'm sure I'll like her.
