Monday, October 21, 2013


Last one to be caught up on blogging.

October 21 - WONDER

For you parents this one will be immediately understood. 

Your toddler can talk - goodness ,  can that toddler talk. And in being able to talk and trying to learn about the world around them there are the constant questions. Mom - why is the sky blue? Mom - whatcha doing? Mom- how does that bird fly? Mom - what? Mom - where? Mom - when? Mom- why? Mom - how? THERE WERE TIMES I WANTED TO CHANGE MY NAME TO ANYTHING OTHER THAN MOM. Yes I've even threatened to do that in my loud voice.

Please note - I did NOT change my name and I never stopped answering the questions or helping us all learn the answers ------ because WONDER and discovery can lead to the ultimate word - amazement. 

So that is the idea behind this one. Again just a few elements, but I think it conveys my message. 

- tan cardstock tag base.
- a toddler boy image snipped from an old planner book of mine. 
- hatching chicks image snipped from the same planner book (because I wonder "which came first - the 
    chicken or the egg?")
- WONDER stamped in blue ink. 
- A couple of eyelets
- some elastic bracelet beading cord
- three little egg shaped stone beads
- the hanger is some blue and black textured ribbon.

So - I think I really like the humor of this one. Do you?

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